mirror of
synced 2024-11-28 10:35:42 +00:00
Before when running one of the following targets it could be that there were multiple run files in `/var/lib/mock/$(MOCK_CHROOT)/root/var/tmp`. ``` edit-last-failing-script - Opens the last failing or running script from mock in your editor of choice for you to edit it and later re-run it in mock with: "make mockbuild-rerun-last-script-...". mockbuild-rerun-last-script - Re-runs the last failing or running script of your release/mock mockbuild. ``` The function to edit the last one that was run sometimes picked the wrong file. Now we sort the files in there aforementioned directory before editing or running it again.
180 lines
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180 lines
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# See ~/.config/mock/<CONFIG>.cfg or /etc/mock/<CONFIG>.cfg
# Tweak this to centos-stream-9-x86_64 to build for CentOS
MOCK_OPTS_RELEASE?=--no-clean --no-cleanup-after $(MOCK_OPTS)
YYYYMMDD=$(shell date +%Y%m%d)
SOURCEDIR=$(shell pwd)
# When nothing is given, this will be determined based on
# release or snapshot builds.
######### Get sources
.PHONY: get-sources-snapshot
## Downloads all sources we need for a snapshot build.
YYYYMMDD=$(YYYYMMDD) ./.copr/snapshot-info.sh > $(SOURCEDIR)/version.spec.inc
spectool -g --define "_sourcedir $(SOURCEDIR)" --define "_with_snapshot_build 1" $(SPEC)
.PHONY: get-sources-release
## Downloads all sources we need for a release build.
spectool -g --define "_sourcedir $(SOURCEDIR)" $(SPEC)
######### Build SRPM
.PHONY: srpm-release
## Builds an SRPM that can be used for a release build.
srpm-release: get-sources-release
rpmbuild \
--define "_rpmdir $(SOURCEDIR)" \
--define "_sourcedir $(SOURCEDIR)" \
--define "_specdir $(SOURCEDIR)" \
--define "_srcrpmdir $(SOURCEDIR)" \
--define "_builddir $(SOURCEDIR)" \
-bs $(SPEC)
.PHONY: srpm-snapshot
## Builds an SRPM that can be used for a snapshot build.
srpm-snapshot: get-sources-snapshot
rpmbuild \
--with=snapshot_build \
--define "_rpmdir $(SOURCEDIR)" \
--define "_sourcedir $(SOURCEDIR)" \
--define "_specdir $(SOURCEDIR)" \
--define "_srcrpmdir $(SOURCEDIR)" \
--define "_builddir $(SOURCEDIR)" \
-bs $(SPEC)
######### Scrub mock chroot and cache
.PHONY: scrub-chroot
## Completely remove the fedora chroot and cache.
mock -r $(MOCK_CHROOT) --scrub all
######### Do a mock build
.PHONY: mockbuild-release
## Start a mock build of the release SRPM.
mockbuild-release: srpm-release get-srpm-release
mock -r $(MOCK_CHROOT) $(MOCK_OPTS_RELEASE) $(srpm_path)
.PHONY: mockbuild-snapshot
## Start a mock build of the snapshot SRPM.
mockbuild-snapshot: srpm-snapshot get-srpm-snapshot
mock -r $(MOCK_CHROOT) $(MOCK_OPTS_SNAPSHOT) $(srpm_path)
######### Edit-last-failing-script
.PHONY: get-last-run-script
## Get the file that was last modified in /var/tmp/ within the chroot.
$(eval last_run_script:=/var/tmp/$(shell ls -t1 /var/lib/mock/$(MOCK_CHROOT)/root/var/tmp | head -n1))
$(info last_run_script=$(last_run_script))
@echo > /dev/null
.PHONY: edit-last-failing-script
## Opens the last failing or running script from mock in your editor
## of choice for you to edit it and later re-run it in mock with:
## "make mockbuild-rerun-last-script".
edit-last-failing-script: get-last-run-script
$$EDITOR /var/lib/mock/$(MOCK_CHROOT)/root$(last_run_script)
######### Re-run the last failing script from mock
.PHONY: mockbuild-rerun-last-script
## Re-runs the last failing or running script of your release/mock mockbuild.
mockbuild-rerun-last-script: get-last-run-script
mock --root=$(MOCK_CHROOT) --shell 'sh -e $(last_run_script)'
.PHONY: help
# Based on https://gist.github.com/rcmachado/af3db315e31383502660
## Display this help text.
$(info Available targets)
$(info -----------------)
@awk '/^[a-zA-Z\-0-9]+:/ { \
helpMessage = match(lastLine, /^## (.*)/); \
helpCommand = substr($$1, 0, index($$1, ":")-1); \
if (helpMessage) { \
helpMessage = substr(lastLine, RSTART + 3, RLENGTH); \
gsub(/##/, "\n ", helpMessage); \
} else { \
helpMessage = "(No documentation)"; \
} \
printf "%-37s - %s\n", helpCommand, helpMessage; \
lastLine = "" \
} \
{ hasComment = match(lastLine, /^## (.*)/); \
if(hasComment) { \
lastLine=lastLine$$0; \
} \
else { \
lastLine = $$0 \
} \
######### Deprecated targets
# Map deprecated targets to new targets
.PHONY: snapshot-srpm release-srpm
snapshot-srpm release-srpm:
$(eval mapped_target:=$(subst snapshot-srpm,srpm-snapshot,$(MAKECMDGOALS)))
$(eval mapped_target:=$(subst release-srpm,srpm-release,$(mapped_target)))
$(info WARNING: "$(MAKECMDGOALS)" is deprecated. Instead running "$(mapped_target)")
$(MAKE) $(mapped_target)
######### Version/Release helper targets to build name of SRPM
.PHONY: get-llvm-version-release
## Determines the LLVM version given in the llvm.spec file.
$(eval llvm_version_release:=$(shell grep -ioP "%global\s+(maj|min|patch)_ver[^0-9]\K[0-9]+" $(SPEC) | paste -sd'.'))
$(info LLVM Release Version: $(llvm_version_release))
@echo > /dev/null
.PHONY: get-llvm-version-snapshot
## Determines the LLVM version given in the version.spec.inc file.
$(eval llvm_version_snapshot:=$(shell grep -ioP "%global\s+(maj|min|patch)_ver[^0-9]\K[0-9]+" version.spec.inc | paste -sd'.'))
$(info LLVM Snapshot Version: $(llvm_version_snapshot))
@echo > /dev/null
.PHONY: get-spec-file-release
## Parses the spec file for the Release: tag
$(eval spec_file_release:=$(shell grep -ioP '^Release:\s*\K[0-9]+' $(SPEC)))
$(info LLVM Spec file Release: $(spec_file_release))
@echo > /dev/null
.PHONY: get-srpm-release
## Determines the name of the SRPM used for release builds
## Can be overriden by giving "make ... SRPM_PATH=foo.src.rpm".
get-srpm-release: get-llvm-version-release get-spec-file-release
ifeq ($(SRPM_PATH),)
$(eval srpm_path:=llvm-$(llvm_version_release)-$(spec_file_release).*.src.rpm)
$(eval srpm_path:=$(SRPM_PATH))
$(info LLVM SRPM Release: $(srpm_path))
@echo > /dev/null
.PHONY: get-srpm-snapshot
## Determines the name of the SRPM used for snapshot builds
## Can be overriden by giving "make ... SRPM_PATH=foo.src.rpm".
get-srpm-snapshot: get-llvm-version-snapshot get-spec-file-release
ifeq ($(SRPM_PATH),)
$(eval yyyymmdd:=$(shell grep -ioP "%global\s+llvm_snapshot_yyyymmdd\s+\K[0-9]+" version.spec.inc))
$(eval git_short:=$(shell grep -ioP "%global\s+llvm_snapshot_git_revision_short\s+\K[a-zA-Z0-9]+" version.spec.inc))
$(eval srpm_path:=llvm-$(llvm_version_snapshot)~pre$(yyyymmdd).g$(git_short)-$(spec_file_release).*.src.rpm)
$(eval srpm_path:=$(SRPM_PATH))
$(info LLVM SRPM Snapshot: $(srpm_path))
@echo > /dev/null