2023-08-19 10:33:41 +02:00

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= PackageKit Items Not Found
Caleb McKee; Frank Sträter
:revnumber: unknown
:revdate: 2021-02-10
:category: Administration
:tags: How-to troubleshooting
== Missing Package
Unfortunately, the package you were searching for is not available in
Fedora. There are a few common reasons why a package might not be in
Fedora's repositories:
* Fedora does not include software that is
link:Package_Not_Found#Patents[encumbered by software patents].
* Fedora does not include proprietary software, only software with an
link:Licensing[acceptable license].
* It is possible that no one has packaged it yet. You might consider
adding it to the link:PackageMaintainers/WishList[Package WishList], or
even link:PackageMaintainers/Join[packaging it yourself]!
== Missing Codec
Unfortunately, the codec you were searching for is not available in
Fedora. A codec is a program that enables encoding and/or decoding of a
data stream, in a specific format such as MP3, MOV, or WMV.
There are a few common reasons why a codec might not be in Fedora's
* Many codecs are proprietary or link:Package_Not_Found#Patents[patent
* Some codecs may not be encumbered, but may be under an
link:Licensing[unacceptable license].
The Fedora Project FAQ and community sites provide answers to commonly
asked questions. link:Third_party_repositories[Third party repositories]
contain a wide variety of software that has not been included in the
official Fedora software repositories for various reasons. You can find
additional software using a search engine like
https://google.com[Google]. We would love to give you more specific
instructions on enabling additional codecs but our hands are tied up due
to software patents and legal restrictions around them. We apologize for
the inconvenience caused by software patents and our legal team is
working on getting these restrictions removed when it is possible to do
so. Scroll down more for details on what we are doing and how you can
== Missing Driver
Unfortunately, the driver you were searching for is not available in
Fedora. There are a few common reasons why a driver might not be in
Fedora's repositories:
* Some drivers are proprietary or link:Package_Not_Found#Patents[patent
* Some hardware may not be supported under Linux yet, or is not yet in
the upstream Linux kernel.
Fedora strongly encourages new drivers to be included in upstream, and
does not package individual, out-of-tree, kernel drivers.
The Fedora Project FAQ and the more informal, unofficial
http://fedorafaq.org[1] provide useful answers on commonly asked
questions. However, the unofficial site is not associated with or
supported by the Fedora Project. You can find many interesting things
using a search engine like https://google.com[Google].
link:Third_party_repositories[Third party repositories] might contain
software that has been not been included in the official Fedora software
== Missing Font
Unfortunately, the font you were searching for is not available in
Fedora. There are a few common reasons why a font might not be in
Fedora's repositories:
* Fedora does not include proprietary fonts, it only uses fonts with an
link:Licensing/Fonts[acceptable font license].
* It is possible that no one has packaged that font yet. You might
consider adding it to the :Category:Font_wishlist[Font WishList], or
even link:PackageMaintainers/Join[packaging it yourself]!
== Missing MIME Support
Unfortunately, there is nothing in Fedora that claims to support the
MIME type you were searching for. There are a few common reasons why
Fedora may not have support for a MIME type:
* Many MIME types are Windows-only. You may be able to use
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wine_(software)[Wine] to run a Windows
program under Linux that supports your MIME type.
* Some MIME types are only supported by proprietary or
link:Package_Not_Found#Patents[patent encumbered] software.
* It is possible that acceptable software to support your MIME type
exists, but that no one has packaged it yet. You might consider adding
it to the link:PackageMaintainers/WishList[Package WishList], or even
link:PackageMaintainers/Join[packaging it yourself]!
== Fedora Position on Software Patents
WARNING: This information is provided only for answering common questions from Fedora users and should not be read as legal advice. What applies to Red Hat and the Fedora Project may not necessarily apply to you. If you need legal assistance, consult your own lawyer. This material does not represent the official views of Red Hat or the Fedora Project.
=== What is a software patent?
A patent is a set of exclusionary rights granted by a government to a patent holder for a limited period of time, usually 20 years from the earliest effective filing date of the patent application. These monopoly rights are granted to patent applicants in exchange for their disclosure of the invention claimed by the patent. Once a patent is granted in a given country, the patent holder may exclude someone from making, using, selling or importing embodiments of the claimed invention in that country. Software patents are different from copyright or trademarks despite being lumped together with them under the collective term link:https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/not-ipr.html[Intellecutal Property].
=== Who is responsible for taking care of any legal issues in Fedora?
The Fedora Project is not a separate and distinct legal entity. Red Hat, the primary sponsor of the Fedora Project, is actively involved in legal matters relating to Fedora, along with other Fedora participants. For example, Red Hat lawyers assist Fedora Project contributors in issues pertaining to free and open source software licensing, trademarks and patents. Refer to the link:https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Legal:Main?rd=Legal[Legal] page for more information.
=== If Software patents are not recognized in all regions, why can't you distribute Fedora with such software in other regions?
Contrary to common belief, software patents are granted in some form or other in most countries, including most of the countries in which most Fedora participants reside.
=== Can't you pay the patent license fees for patent encumbered codecs?
A codec is a set of methods to encode and decode video or audio information into a data stream. In the case of codecs like MP3 or WMV, the company or companies associated with developing the format are also involved in asserting (or restrictively licensing) patents that purportedly cover the format; we refer to such codecs as "patent encumbered". Other codecs, such as WebM, Ogg Theora or Ogg Vorbis, Dirac, and FLAC, are made available by their developers without asserting patents on their implementations; we refer to such codecs as "patent unencumbered". Fedora includes comprehensive support for open, patent-unencumbered codecs but is unable to include support for the patent encumbered ones.
Patent licenses usually require the licensee to pay royalties based on the number of users. Since Fedora is free and open source software, the effective number of users is essentially unrestricted. Patent holders are generally unwilling to give a blanket patent license for unlimited use; moreover, the royalty payments would be too high for it to be practical for the Fedora Project, or its sponsors, to pay them. Proprietary operating systems like Microsoft Windows link:https://www.softwarefreedom.org/resources/2007/patent-tax.html[include the costs of third-party patent licenses paid by Microsoft in the pricing of the product] as sold to end users. Fedora is not sold commercially, so there is no way to recoup these substantial expenses.
Even if funds were available to do so, such royalty-bearing patent licenses would have to be compatible with the free/open source software licenses governing the software covered by the patent license. In practice this is usually challenging. For example, the most widely-used FOSS licenses (GPL and LGPL) place constraints on the ability of distributors to distribute software under benefit of third-party patent licenses. Even if the software in question is placed under some other license, distributing such software under benefit of a patent license may make the software effectively non-free and thus incompatible with Fedora legal policies.
Note that Fluendo offers an link:https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Installing_the_Fluendo_MP3_plugin[MP3 plugin] for the Gstreamer multimedia framework (used by Totem, Rhythmbox and other multimedia applications) for free and other codecs and DVD player for a price that includes patent licenses. Fedora does not include or endorse these options but you can choose to use them with Fedora if you want to.
=== There are free and open software implementations of the codecs. Why don't you include them?
When we speak of an implementation being FOSS, usually we are thinking only in terms of copyright licensing. An independent FOSS implementation of a patent-encumbered codec, however, is subject to at least as much patent risk as, say, some proprietary reference implementation of the same codec. Note that while copyright covers only a particular implementation of software, patents are broader because they are more abstract, covering ideas that might be implemented in software in any number of ways.
=== Can't you link to third party repositories and guide users to find such software?
In general, no, because of the risk of liability for link:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patent_infringement[contributory patent infringement]. Refer link:https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-advisory-board/2007-November/msg00050.html[here] for more details.
=== How is it that some other Linux distributions include such software?
There are different reasons:
* Some of them include proprietary software, in some cases charging users for their product, where the charge incorporates the cost of licensing third-party patents. Fedora is not a commercial product and has a policy of not distributing proprietary software.
* They are willing to deal with the risk somehow. In some cases, it is because they are not backed by a large and profitable company like Red Hat. Red Hat, the legal entity and primary sponsor of the Fedora Project determines its own risks which can be different from other organizations.
=== What is bad about patented formats?
Even if you are willing to pay for patent licenses, there are other things to consider:
* No guarantee that your consumers actually will be able to read the data you're trying to produce. If you've reached this page, you've already experienced this - by producing media in a patented format, you automatically limit your audience to whatever platforms the patent holder has licensed their software to.
* No guarantee of being able to access your data forever. If you're using some software to view a patented media format, what happens if that software vendor goes out of business, or refuses to port their software to newer systems? You no longer have access to your data.
Note that this isn't even restricted to patented media formats - the same applies to popular proprietary formats used for word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, etc.
For more information about how software patents are bad, refer to the link:https://ffii.org/[Foundation for a Free Information Infastructure].
=== Can't you convert a patent encumbered codec to an open codec?
Fedora cannot include the decoders necessary to do this since those are patent encumbered as well. Although users might be able to do this, converting from one format to another typically results in a visible loss of quality. The only long term viable method is to encourage the creation of content in open formats and Fedora and Red Hat actively encourage and participate in such activities.
== How Fedora works against software patents
* __Fedora sponsors development of free, non-patent-encumbered open formats__
In support of free culture and the open web, and to reduce the hold of proprietary and patent encumbered codecs, Red Hat has been sponsoring improvements on the open Ogg Theora video codec. For example Red Hat has funded work on the newest implementation, codenamed Thusnelda, via Christopher Montgomery (xiphmont), who created the format. That work has resulted in dramatic improvements to the codec.
* __Fedora uses free, non-patented, open formats by default that anyone can implement, use, and view without having to obtain patent licenses__
Instead of MP3, use Ogg Vorbis. Instead of Windows Media, use WebM or Ogg Theora. Instead of Microsoft Office Open XML, use link:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenDocument[Open Document format] documents, or even PDF. Vote with your currency by purchasing hardware and solutions that support these free and open formats.
== The problem with proprietary and patent encumbered media formats
Imagine sitting down to your email. Your sister has sent you some pictures of your niece. However, when you go to look at them, all you see is:
__I'm sorry, you need Frobozz Viewer 3.0 to view this file. It's only $19.99, please have your credit card ready.__
Later, you go to view your mail on a public computer at the local library. And you get the same dialog box on their computer.
That is the reality for any sound, image, or document format that is encumbered by software patents that require licensing - any application that wishes to view, play, or create them requires paying the patent holders a fee. Normally, software and hardware vendors include this support, but they pass the costs directly onto the consumers in the cost of their software or hardware. For every copy of Microsoft Windows that you buy, or every DVD player that is sold, a portion of that cost goes directly to pay patent licenses; in fact, for DVD players, it can be over a quarter of the final cost.
And, since that patent license applies to every copy in use, it's one of the reasons why you are not allowed to freely copy and redistribute software such as Microsoft Windows (although, to be sure, even if software patents did not exist, Microsoft would be unlikely to make Windows free software).
Fedora, however, has a link:https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/project/objectives/[public promise] to always be freely redistributable by anyone. That is why Fedora cannot include support for patented media formats - it would break this redistribution promise. This means that, out of the box, you can't directly play media files such as Windows Media, MPEG-4 video, or MP3 audio. Fedora supports open media formats such as WebM or Ogg link:https://xiph.org/vorbis/[Vorbis] and link:https://www.theora.org/[Theora], which are **freely implementable and usable by anyone without a patent license**.
Red Hat has consistently taken the position that software patents generally impede innovation in software development and that software patents are inconsistent with open source/free software. Red Hat holds a number of software patents for defensive purposes and has a patent policy under which it agrees to refrain from enforcing its patents against any party for exercising rights under certain free and open source software licenses, including GPLv2, GPLv3, LGPLv2.1, and LGPLv3.
* https://www.redhat.com/en/about/patent-promise
Red Hat explained why software patents are problematic to the European Patent Office.
* http://press.redhat.com/2009/04/30/old-world-and-new-world-software-patent-problems/
Red Hat filed a friend of court briefing to the U.S. Federal Court asking it to limit software patents.
* http://press.redhat.com/2008/04/07/red-hat-asks-federal-court-to-limit-patents-on-software/
The court's ruling has been applied by lower courts and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to invalidate some software patents.
* http://press.redhat.com/2008/11/03/bilski-and-software-patents-%E2%80%93-good-news-for-foss/
Red Hat again filed a friend of court briefing to the U.S. Supreme Court as a follow-up on the same case.
* http://press.redhat.com/2009/10/01/asking-the-supreme-court-to-address-the-problem-of-software-patents/
Red Hat also filed a response to U.S. patent and trademark office.
* http://press.redhat.com/2010/09/28/red-hat-responds-to-u-s-patent-and-trademark-office-request-for-guidance-on-bilski/
December 2010, Red Hat filed brief with U.S. Supreme Court opposing expansion of standard for inducing patent infringement.
* http://www.redhat.com/about/news/prarchive/2010/amicus.html
== References
* https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Forbidden_items
* https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/project/
* https://www.fsf.org/campaigns/playogg/en/
* https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/why-audio-format-matters.html
* https://dwheeler.com/essays/software-patents.html
See a typo, something missing or out of date, or anything else which can be improved? Edit this document at https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/quick-docs.