2023-08-28 23:49:13 +02:00

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= Control of System Accessibility by firewalld
Richard Gregory; Petr Bokoc (pbokoc); Peter Boy (pboy)
:revnumber: F34 onwards
:revdate: 2023-08-23
:category: Security
:tags: How-to, Firewall
A _firewall_ is a way to protect machines from any unwanted access from outside. In Fedora, it is installed by default during the installation of the operating system, enabled and configured to provide secure operation even without any additional action by the administrator. It blocks any access other than ssh by default.
== How it works
A firewall enables users to control incoming network traffic on host machines by defining a set of _firewall rules_. These rules are used to sort the incoming traffic and either block it or allow through.
`firewalld` is a firewall service daemon that provides a dynamic customizable host-based firewall with a `D-Bus` interface. Being dynamic, it enables creating, changing, and deleting the rules without the necessity to restart the firewall daemon each time the rules are changed.
`firewalld` uses the concepts of _zones_ and _services_, that simplify the traffic management.
`_Zones_` are predefined sets of rules. Network interfaces and sources can be assigned to a zone. The traffic allowed depends on the network your computer is connected to and the security level this network is assigned. Firewall services are predefined rules that cover all necessary settings to allow incoming traffic for a specific service and they apply within a zone.
`_Services_` use one or more ports or addresses for network communication. Firewalls filter communication based on ports. To allow network traffic for a service, its ports must be open. `firewalld` blocks all traffic on ports that are not explicitly set as open. Some zones, such as trusted, allow all traffic by default.
.Additional resources
For more information about using firewalld and configuring zones and services, see link:https://firewalld.org/documentation/[firewalld documentation] or link:https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Firewalld[Fedora wiki:firewalld]
== Setting up firewalld
All Fedora Editions install, configure and activate the firewall by default. No further action is required. The only exception is _Cloud Edition_, which relies on the higher level cloud system.
Some third party variations and redistributions may differ. In this case, it is up to the administrator to install and activate the firewall afterwards.
You check if firewalld is set up in a terminal by issuing
systemctl status firewalld
You should get soemething like
● firewalld.service - firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/firewalld.service; enabled; preset>
Drop-In: /usr/lib/systemd/system/service.d
Active: active (running) since Sat 2023-08-19 19:05:18 CEST; 3 days ago
=== Installing and activating firewalld
In case you get by the command above something like
Unit firewalld.service could not be found.
you have to install it. Run on the command line:
$ sudo dnf install firewalld
$ sudo systemctl unmask firewalld
$ sudo systemctl start firewalld
$ sudo systemctl enable firewalld
This sequence installs, starts and ensures an automatic restart after a system boot.
=== Adjusting firewalld operations during system maintenance
Sometimes a system administrator has to stop or restart firewalld during system maintenance tasks.
.Stop firewalld
$ sudo systemctl stop firewalld
.Prevent autostart at system boot
$ sudo systemctl disable firewalld
.Start firewalld
$ sudo systemctl start firewalld
.Activate autostart at system boot
$ sudo systemctl enable firewalld
.Disconnecting the firewall from the d-bus controller
$ sudo systemctl mask firewalld
.(Re.)Connect the firewall to the d-bus controller
$ sudo systemctl unmask firewalld
=== Installing the [application]*firewall-config* GUI configuration tool
To use the [application]*firewall-config* GUI configuration tool, install the [package]*firewall-config* package as `root`:
$ sudo dnf install firewall-config
Alternatively, in [application]*GNOME*, use the kbd:[Super] key and type `Software` to launch the [application]*Software Sources* application. Type `firewall` to the search box, which appears after selecting the search button in the top-right corner. Select the `Firewall` item from the search results, and click on the btn:[Install] button.
To run [application]*firewall-config*, use either the [command]`firewall-config` command or press the kbd:[Super] key to enter the `Activities Overview`, type `firewall`, and press kbd:[Enter].
== Managing firewalld
=== Viewing the current status of `firewalld`
The firewall service, `firewalld`, is installed on the system by default. Use the `firewalld` CLI interface to check that the service is running.
$ sudo firewall-cmd --state
For more information about the service status, use the [command]`systemctl` command
$ sudo systemctl status firewalld
firewalld.service - firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/firewalld.service; enabled; vendor pr
Active: active (running) since Mon 2017-12-18 16:05:15 CET; 50min ago
Docs: man:firewalld(1)
Main PID: 705 (firewalld)
Tasks: 2 (limit: 4915)
CGroup: /system.slice/firewalld.service
└─705 /usr/bin/python3 -Es /usr/sbin/firewalld --nofork --nopid
Furthermore, it is important to know how `firewalld` is set up and which rules are in force before you try to edit the settings. To display the firewall settings, see <<sec-Viewing_Current_firewalld_Settings>>
=== Viewing current firewalld settings
==== Viewing allowed services using GUI
To view the list of services using the graphical [application]*firewall-config* tool, press the kbd:[Super] key to enter the Activities Overview, type [command]`firewall`, and press kbd:[Enter]. The [application]*firewall-config* tool appears. You can now view the list of services under the `Services` tab.
Alternatively, to start the graphical firewall configuration tool using the command-line, enter the following command:
[subs="quotes, macros"]
$ firewall-config
The `Firewall Configuration` window opens. Note that this command can be run as a normal user, but you are prompted for an administrator password occasionally.
.The Services tab in firewall-config
image::images/firewall-config-services.png[A screenshot of the firewall configuration tool - the Services tab]
==== Viewing firewalld settings using CLI
With the CLI client, it is possible to get different views of the current firewall settings. The [option]`--list-all` option shows a complete overview of the `firewalld` settings.
`firewalld` uses zones to manage the traffic. If a zone is not specified by the [option]`--zone` option, the command is effective in the default zone assigned to the active network interface and connection.
To list all the relevant information for the default zone:
$ firewall-cmd --list-all
target: default
icmp-block-inversion: no
services: ssh dhcpv6-client
masquerade: no
rich rules:
To specify the zone for which to display the settings, add the [option]`--zone=pass:attributes[{blank}]_zone-name_pass:attributes[{blank}]` argument to the [command]`firewall-cmd --list-all` command, for example:
~]# firewall-cmd --list-all --zone=home
target: default
icmp-block-inversion: no
services: ssh mdns samba-client dhcpv6-client
... [output truncated]
To see the settings for particular information, such as services or ports, use a specific option. See the `firewalld` manual pages or get a list of the options using the command help:
$ firewall-cmd --help
Usage: firewall-cmd [OPTIONS...]
General Options
-h, --help Prints a short help text and exists
-V, --version Print the version string of firewalld
-q, --quiet Do not print status messages
Status Options
--state Return and print firewalld state
--reload Reload firewall and keep state information
... [output truncated]
For example, to see which services are allowed in the current zone:
$ firewall-cmd --list-services
samba-client ssh dhcpv6-client
Listing the settings for a certain subpart using the CLI tool can sometimes be difficult to interpret. For example, you allow the `SSH` service and `firewalld` opens the necessary port (22) for the service. Later, if you list the allowed services, the list shows the `SSH` service, but if you list open ports, it does not show any. Therefore, it is recommended to use the [option]`--list-all` option to make sure you receive a complete information.
=== Runtime and permanent settings
Any changes made while firewalld is running will be lost when firewalld is restarted. When firewalld is restarted, the settings revert to their permanent values.
These changes are said to be made in _runtime mode_.
To make the changes persistent across reboots, apply them again using the `--permanent` option. Alternatively, to make changes persistent while firewalld is running, use the `--runtime-to-permanent _firewall-cmd_` option.
If you make changes while firewalld is running using only the `--permanent` option, they do not become effective until firewalld is restarted. However, restarting firewalld briefly stops the networking traffic, causing disruption to your system.
==== Changing settings in runtime and permanent configuration using CLI
Using the CLI, you can only modify either runtime or permanent mode. To modify the firewall settings in permanent mode, use the `--permanent` option with the `firewall-cmd` command.
$ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent <other options>
Without this option, the command modifies runtime mode.
To change settings in both modes, you can use two methods:
* Change runtime settings and then make them permanent as follows:
. Change the runtime settings:
`firewall-cmd <other options>`
. Use `--runtime-to-permanent` to make the changes permanent.
`firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent`
* Set permanent settings and reload the settings into runtime mode:
. Make the changes in permanent mode:
`firewall-cmd --permanent <other options>`
. Reload the settings:
`firewall-cmd --reload`
The first method allows you to test the settings before you apply them to permanent mode.
It is possible that an incorrect setting will result in a user locking themselves out of a machine. To prevent this, use the `--timeout` option. Using this option means that after a specified amount of time, any change reverts to its previous state.
You can not use the `--permanent` option with the `--timeout` option.
For example, to add the SSH service for 15 minutes use this command:
$ sudo firewall-cmd --add-service=ssh --timeout 15m
The SSH service will be available until access is removed after 15 minutes.
=== Controlling ports using firewalld
==== What are ports?
Ports are logical devices that enable an operating system to receive and distinguish network traffic and forward it accordingly to system services. These are usually represented by a daemon that listens on the port, that is it waits for any traffic coming to this port.
Normally, system services listen on standard ports that are reserved for them. The httpd daemon, for example, listens on port 80. However, system administrators may configure daemons to listen on different ports to enhance security.
==== Opening a port
Through open ports, the system is accessible from the outside, which represents a security risk. Generally, keep ports closed and only open them if they are required for certain services.
.Opening a port using the command line
. Get a list of allowed ports in the current zone:
$ firewall-cmd --list-ports
. Add a port to the allowed ports to open it for incoming traffic:
$ sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=port-number/port-type
. Make the new settings persistent:
$ sudo firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent
The port types are either tcp, udp, sctp, or dccp. The type must match the type of network communication.
==== Closing a port
When an open port is no longer needed, close that port in firewalld. It is highly recommended to close all unnecessary ports as soon as they are not used because leaving a port open represents a security risk.
.Closing a port using the command line
To close a port, remove it from the list of allowed ports:
. List all allowed ports:
$ firewall-cmd --list-ports
This command will only give you a list of ports that have been opened as ports. You will not be able to see any open ports that have been opened as a service. Therefore, you should consider using the --list-all option instead of --list-ports.
. Remove the port from the allowed ports to close it for the incoming traffic:
$ sudo firewall-cmd --remove-port=port-number/port-type
. Make the new settings persistent:
$ sudo firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent