= Upgrading Fedora using package manager ''' [IMPORTANT] ====== This page was automatically converted from https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Upgrading_Fedora_using_package_manager It is probably * Badly formatted * Missing graphics and tables that do not convert well from mediawiki * Out-of-date * In need of other love Pull requests accepted at https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/quick-docs Once you've fixed this page, remove this notice, and update `_topic_map.yml`. Once the document is live, go to the original wiki page and replace its text with the following macro: .... {{#fedoradocs: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/whatever-the-of-this-new-page}} .... ====== ''' This page contains information explaining how to upgrade Fedora online using (without the DNF system upgrade plugin). [[upgrading-fedora-using-dnf-directly]] Upgrading Fedora using dnf directly ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [[participate]] Participate ~~~~~~~~~~~ If you are upgrading using Dnf and it shows any general dependency issues, please file them in http://bugzilla.redhat.com[Bugzilla]. But please read this page, all references pages and search the mailing list archives before filing bugs. And of course, please help keep this page updated. If you want to help make live upgrades work smoothly, join the link:SIGs/LiveUpgrade[ Live Upgrade Special Interest Group]. [[upgrading-across-multiple-releases]] Upgrading across multiple releases ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you need to upgrade across several releases, it is generally recommended to go one release at a time: for example, rather than going directly from to , first go to and then from there to . This tends to reduce the number of package dependency issues you may encounter. If you are upgrading from an link:End_of_life[End of life] release, please also see link:#eol[the end-of-life section]. [[instructions-to-upgrade-using-dnf]] Instructions to upgrade using dnf ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [[backup-your-system]] 1. Backup your system ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Backup any personal data to an external hard drive or to another machine. If there is some unrecoverable error that requires a fresh install, you don't want to lose any data. [[read-about-common-problems]] 2. Read about common problems ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Further down in this page there is a list of common problems specific to dnf upgrades for specific versions. Some of them require attention before the upgrade. General advice on upgrading Fedora can be found on the Upgrading page. You should also read the http://docs.fedoraproject.org/install-guide/[Installation Guide] and http://docs.fedoraproject.org/release-notes/[Release Notes] for the version you plan to upgrade to - they contain important information regarding upgrading issues. Finally, check the list of link:Common_bugs[Common bugs]. [[clean-stuff]] 3. Clean Stuff ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Review and remove all .rpmsave and .rpmnew files before and after upgrading. (And if you have selinux enabled then remember to check security context if you move config files around.) Now is a good time to remove packages you don't use - especially non-standard packages. [[do-the-upgrade]] 4. Do the upgrade ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you have 3rd party repositories configured, you may need to adjust them for the new Fedora version. If you switch from one Fedora release to another there is often nothing that needs to be done. If you switch to Rawhide from a standard Fedora release (or vice versa) then most of the time you will need to install the Rawhide release RPMs from the 3rd party repository as well (or the standard ones, if switching back). Note that the upgrade is likely to fail if there are outdated dependencies from packages not backed by a dnf repository or backed by a repository which isn't ready for the new version. It is a good idea to do the upgrade outside the graphical environment. Log out of your graphical desktop and then [[fedora-upgrade]] fedora-upgrade ++++++++++++++ A small script named fedora-upgrade is available which aims to automate the process outlined below. To run it, do the following .... $ sudo dnf install fedora-upgrade $ sudo fedora-upgrade .... When performing upgrade via remote shell, it is good idea to use screen or tmux utility to be able to get back to running transaction in case your connection drops. Alternatively, follow the manual steps: [[go-to-a-text-console]] Go to a text console ++++++++++++++++++++ .... ctrl + alt + F2 .... (or) log in as root, and go into multi-user.target .... systemctl isolate multi-user.target .... [[fully-update-your-current-fedora-install]] Fully update your current Fedora install ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .... # dnf upgrade .... [[install-the-package-signing-key-for-the-release-you-are-upgrading-to]] Install the package signing key for the release you are upgrading to ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you are upgrading across two releases or fewer from Fedora 20 or later, this step should be unnecessary. If you are upgrading from an older Fedora or upgrading across three or more releases, you may need to import the signing key for the target release. If it turns out not to be, you should be able to import keys like so: .... # rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-23-x86_64 .... , replacing "23" and "x86_64" with the new Fedora version and your architecture, respectively. You can also find package signing keys for currently-supported releases https://getfedora.org/keys/[here]. Keys for EOL releases can be found https://getfedora.org/keys/obsolete.html[here]. Click _Primary_ (or _Secondary_, if you are using a secondary architecture), and you will see _Get it from: Fedora Project_, where _Fedora Project_ is a link. Copy that URL, and run: .... # rpm --import (url) .... to install the key. On old releases, may have trouble doing this; if that happens, download the file with or and import the downloaded file. [[clean-the-cache]] Clean the cache +++++++++++++++ Then remove all traces of the version you are leaving from the dnf cache in `/var/cache/dnf`. .... # dnf clean all .... [[upgrade-all-packages]] Upgrade all packages ++++++++++++++++++++ Run the upgrade command: .... # dnf --releasever= --setopt=deltarpm=false distro-sync .... [[make-sure-fedora-is-upgraded]] 5. Make sure Fedora is upgraded ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Distro-sync will usually take care of upgrades for the third party repositories you have enabled as well. Confirm with after the upgrade process is over. `dnf` might complain about conflicts or requirements. That is probably because you have used non-standard repositories or installed non-standard packages manually. Try to guess which packages cause the problem (or at least is a part of the dependency chain) - uninstall them and try again. Remember to install the packages again if they are essential. Ensure that all (new) essential packages from the new version are installed with .... # dnf groupupdate 'Minimal Install' .... You might want to update other groups too, see .... # dnf grouplist .... For example .... # dnf groupupdate "GNOME Desktop" \ "Development Tools" "Sound and Video" \ "Games and Entertainment" "Administration Tools" \ "Office/Productivity" "System Tools" .... [[preparing-for-reboot]] 6. Preparing for reboot ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Before booting you should usually install the bootloader from your new grub by running .... /usr/sbin/grub2-install BOOTDEVICE .... - where BOOTDEVICE is often , or for some virtual machine installs. If you have more than one hard disk, make sure you use the correct device! If you get an error (e.g. ) from that, then try ). It might also be necessary to update the grub config file: .... cp --backup=numbered -a /boot/grub2/grub.cfg{,.bak} # create backup copy /usr/sbin/grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg # update config file .... [[cleanup-your-system]] 7. Cleanup your system ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Again, cleanup your system as described in section 2. Also you might want to remove some cache files that are no longer used, for example files from older Fedora releases in the following directories: * /var/cache/dnf * /var/cache/mock * /var/lib/mock [[release-specific-notes]] Release specific notes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: the release-specific notes for link:End_of_life[End of life] releases are on the link:Upgrading_from_EOL_Fedora_using_package_manager[EOL packager manager upgrade page]. [[from-pre-release]] From pre-release ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you are upgrading to a final release from an Alpha, Beta, or release candidate, please see link:Upgrading_from_pre-release_to_final[Upgrading from pre-release to final]. [[to-rawhide]] To Rawhide ^^^^^^^^^^ See the link:Releases/Rawhide[Rawhide] release page for more information on Rawhide. .... # dnf upgrade # dnf install dnf-plugins-core fedora-repos-rawhide # dnf config-manager --set-disabled fedora updates updates-testing # dnf config-manager --set-enabled rawhide # dnf clean -q dbcache packages metadata # dnf --releasever=rawhide --setopt=deltarpm=false distro-sync --nogpgcheck ## Optional: it is generally advised to do a selinux autorelabel and reboot # touch /.autorelabel .... [[fedora-25]] Fedora 25 ^^^^^^^^^ No special instructions. Follow the above instructions. [[fedora-24]] Fedora 24 ^^^^^^^^^ No special instructions. Follow the above instructions. [[upgrading-from-legacy-end-of-life-eol-fedora-releases]] Upgrading from legacy end of life (EOL) Fedora releases ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Note that Fedora strongly recommends against ever running an end-of-life release on any production system, or any system connected to the public internet, in any circumstances. You should never allow a production Fedora deployment to reach end-of-life in the first place. With that in mind, if you do have an end-of-life release installed on a system you cannot just discard or re-deploy, you can attempt to upgrade it, though this is a less-tested and less-supported operation. For detailed instructions on upgrades from EOL releases, please read link:Upgrading_from_EOL_Fedora_using_package_manager[Upgrading from EOL Fedora using package manager]. Category:FAQ Category:How_to[Category:How to] Category:Documentation ''' See a typo, something missing or out of date, or anything else which can be improved? Edit this document at https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/quick-docs.