= Displaying a User Prompt on the GNOME Login Screen Harsh Jain :revnumber: all :revdate: 2020 :category: Customization :tags: How-to Workstation Gnome //:imagesdir: ./images To show a user prompt instead of a list of users on the GNOME login screen, open a terminal and perform the following steps: . Create a file for the GNOME Display Manager (GDM) configuration. + ---- $ sudo mkdir /etc/dconf/db/gdm.d ---- + ---- $ sudo vim /etc/dconf/db/gdm.d/01-hide-users ---- . In a text editor of your choice, `vim` in this example, insert the following content to the `/etc/dconf/db/gdm.d/01-hide-users` file: + ---- [org/gnome/login-screen] banner-message-enable=true banner-message-text='ENTER ANY MESSAGE YOU WANT HERE. FOR A NEW LINE USE \n.' disable-restart-buttons=true disable-user-list=true ---- + [NOTE] -- To not display the banner message, do not include the first and second line. To enable the `Restart` button, do not include the fourth line. -- + Save the file and return to the terminal. . Create another file for GDM configuration. + ---- $ sudo vim /etc/dconf/profile/gdm ---- + Insert the following content in the `/etc/dconf/profile/gdm` file: + ---- user-db:user system-db:gdm ---- + Save the file. . Enter the following command: + ---- $ sudo dconf update ---- . Check if the command was executed correctly: + ---- $ ls /etc/dconf/db ---- + The output should contain the following: + ---- gdm gdm.d ... [output truncated] ---- . Restart GDM for the changes to take effect. + ---- $ sudo systemctl restart gdm ----