[id='installing'] = Installing the browsers Both Chromium and Google Chrome can be installed on Fedora. [id='installing-chromium'] == Installing Chromium Chromium can be installed using the Software application and via command line. .Installing Chromium using Software (GUI) . Click on Software tool in Fedora. . Search for Chromium Web Browser. . Click on Install. .Installing Chromium using Terminal . To install Chromium Web Browser, use the command: + ---- # dnf install chromium ---- + . To upgrade Chromium, use the command: + ---- # dnf upgrade chromium ---- [id='installing-chrome'] == Installing Chrome Chrome can be installed using Software or a terminal, once the repository is enabled. .Installing Chrome using Software (GUI) . Open the *Software* application. . Click on the menu at the top right and select *Software Repositories*. . Make sure Third Party Repositories is enabled. If the button label is *Install*, then click that button to install the third party repositiories. If the button reads *Remove All* then the third party repositories are already installed. . Scroll down to find the repository called *google-chrome*. Click on it and choose *Enable*. You can now search for *Google Chrome* in Software, and install it. .Installing Chrome using Terminal The additional repositories can also be managed using a terminal and DNF. . Install Third Party Repositories + ---- $ sudo dnf install fedora-workstation-repositories ---- + . Enable the Google Chrome repo: + ---- $ sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled google-chrome ---- + . Finally, install Chrome: + ---- $ sudo dnf install google-chrome ---- [NOTE] ==== If you want to install unstable Google Chrome version, use the following command: ---- # dnf install google-chrome-unstable ---- If you want to install stable Google Chrome version using the following command: ---- # dnf install google-chrome-beta ---- ====