[id='installing-openjdk'] = Installing OpenJDK To install OpenJDK from the Fedora repository: . Run the following command to list available versions: + ---- $ dnf search openjdk ---- . Copy the version of OpenJDK you want to install. + [NOTE] ==== Various flavors of OpenJDK are available. For information about these options, search the link:http://openjdk.java.net/[OpenJDK web site]. ==== + . Run the following command to install OpenJDK: + ---- # dnf install ---- + For example: + ---- # dnf install java-1.8.0-openjdk.x86_64 ---- // tag::java-alternatives[] [NOTE] ==== If you have installed other versions of Java, you might need to switch the active version of Java: ---- # alternatives --config java ---- A list of installed Java versions is displayed. Choose the version you require. ==== // end::java-alternatives[]