// Module included in the following assemblies: // // firewalld.adoc [id=installing-firewalld-gui-fedora] // The `context` attribute enables module reuse. Every module's ID includes {context}, which ensures that the module has a unique ID even if it is reused multiple times in a guide. = Installing the [application]*firewall-config* GUI configuration tool To use the [application]*firewall-config* GUI configuration tool, install the [package]*firewall-config* package as `root`: ---- $ sudo dnf install firewall-config ---- Alternatively, in [application]*GNOME*, use the kbd:[Super] key and type `Software` to launch the [application]*Software Sources* application. Type `firewall` to the search box, which appears after selecting the search button in the top-right corner. Select the `Firewall` item from the search results, and click on the btn:[Install] button. To run [application]*firewall-config*, use either the [command]`firewall-config` command or press the kbd:[Super] key to enter the `Activities Overview`, type `firewall`, and press kbd:[Enter].