// Load attributes from the external file include::{partialsdir}/attributes.adoc[] // This assembly is included in the following assemblies: // // // This assembly can be included from other assemblies using the following // include statement: // include::assembly_installing-plugins-for-playing-movies-and-music.adoc[leveloffset=+1] // The following line is necessary to allow assemblies be included in other // assemblies. It restores the `context` variable to its previous state. // The `context` attribute enables module reuse. Every module's ID // includes {context}, which ensures that the module has a unique ID even if // it is reused multiple times in a guide. ifdef::context[:parent-context: {context}] :context: assembly_installing-plugins-for-playing-movies-and-music // The file name and the ID are based on the assembly title. // For example: // * file name: assembly_my-assembly-a.adoc // * ID: [id='assembly_my-assembly-a_{context}'] // * Title: = My assembly A // // The ID is used as an anchor for linking to the module. // Avoid changing it after the module has been published // to ensure existing links are not broken. // // In order for the assembly to be reusable in other assemblies in a guide, // include {context} in the ID: [id='a-collection-of-modules_{context}']. // // If the assembly covers a task, start the title with a verb in the gerund // form, such as Creating or Configuring. [id='assembly_installing-plugins-for-playing-movies-and-music_{context}'] = Installing plugins for playing movies and music As a Fedora user and system administrator, you can use these steps to install additional multimedia plugins that enable you to play various video and audio types. WARNING: If you live in a country where software patents apply, such as in the United States or in Japan, you need to obtain multimedia codecs from a source that legally distributes patented software in your country. For example, see the Fluendo Codec Pack: link:https://fluendo.com/en/products/enterprise/fluendo-codec-pack/[]. [discrete] == Prerequisites * xref:setup_rpmfusion.adoc[Enable the RPMFusion repositories]. [discrete] == Procedure * Use the `dnf` utility to install packages that provide multimedia libraries: + ---- sudo dnf install gstreamer1-plugins-{bad-\*,good-\*,base} gstreamer1-plugin-openh264 gstreamer1-libav --exclude=gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free-devel sudo dnf install lame\* --exclude=lame-devel sudo dnf group upgrade --with-optional Multimedia ---- [id='related-information-{context}'] == Related information * There are also media players that include all relevant codecs by themselves. Consider using one of the following for offline video viewing: ** VLC, available from the `vlc` package in RPM Fusion Free ** MPV, available from the `mpv` package in RPM Fusion Free // The following line is necessary to allow assemblies be included in other // assemblies. It restores the `context` variable to its previous state. ifdef::parent-context[:context: {parent-context}] ifndef::parent-context[:!context:]