= Using Bugzilla Fedora uses https://bugzilla.redhat.com[Red Hat Bugzilla] for bug tracking. This page and the other pages under the "Bugs" header on the left offer some tips and guidance. == Permissions Any user, including "anonymous" (i.e. not logged in) users can view bugs. (Note that some bugs or comments may be marked "private" or restricted to specific groups. This is rare in Fedora and is generally to protect sensitive information that might be in an attachment or log snippet.) Any logged-in user can create a bug report or add a comment to an existing bug. The reporter or assignee of a bug can modify any field in their own bug. == Automatic changes Bugzilla will automatically create links to bug reports or comments that follow the pattern "bug xxxx" or "comment xxxx". Bugs marked as xref:bugzilla/find-duplicates.adoc[duplicate] will automatically get a comment referring to the other bug report. The other bug report will automatically get a comment indicating that another bug has been marked as a duplicate of it. https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org[Bodhi] — the Fedora updates system — will automatically comment and change the xref:#_status[status] of associated bugs as updates move through the system. == Status and resolution Bugzilla uses fields called "Status" and "Resolution" to track the state of a bug report or feature request. === Status The table below summarizes the statuses. include::program_management::partial$bz_status.adoc[] === Resolution The table below describes the resolutions that can apply to the _CLOSED_ status. include::program_management::partial$bz_resolution.adoc[]