ifdef::context[:parent-context: {context}] :context: installing-spotify = Installing Spotify on Fedora include::{partialsdir}/3rdparty-message.adoc[] link:https://www.spotify.com/[Spotify] is a cross-platform proprietary music streaming service. Spotify is a freemium service, with advertisements which can be removed by purchasing a subscription. Although Spotify is not officially supported on Fedora, it can be installed on Fedora in a number of ways: . Using unofficial repositories https://rpmfusion.org/[RPM Fusion] repositories. . Using a Flatpak hosted by http://flathub.org[Flathub]. . Using the https://www.spotify.com/us/download/linux/[officially-supported] http://snapcraft.io/[Snap]. [install-spotify-using-rpmfusion] == Using the RPM Fusion repository // UNVERIFIED . xref:setup_rpmfusion.adoc[Enable the RPMFusion repositories]. . Install the lpf-spotify-client package: + ---- $ sudo dnf install lpf-spotify-client ---- . Install Spotify: .. Click the "lpf-spotify-client" icon in the application list. .. or use the following command in a terminal: + ---- $ lpf update ---- [install-spotify-using-flatpak] == Installing Spotify using Flatpak // VERIFIED: on 201901319 by @ankursinha To install Spotify using link:https://flatpak.org/index.html[Flatpak]: . Install Flatpak using dnf: + ---- # dnf install -y flatpak ---- . Install Spotify: .. Using Gnome Software: ... Head to the link:https://flathub.org/apps/details/com.spotify.Client[Spotify page on Flathub]. ... Click "install", and choose to open the file using Gnome Software. ... Click "install" in Gnome Software. ... Click "launch" to run Spotify once installed. .. Using the command line: + ---- # flatpak install flathub com.spotify.Client ---- . Run Spotify: .. Click on the Spotify icon in the applications list, .. or use the following command in the terminal: + ---- $ flatpak run com.spotify.Client ---- [instal-spotify-using-snap] == Snap // UNVERIFIED! Snap is the officially recommended distribution method for Spotify. To install Spotify using http://snapcraft.io/[Snap]: . Install Snap + ---- $ sudo dnf install snapd $ sudo ln -s /var/lib/snapd/snap /snap ---- . Install Spotify using Snap: ---- $ snap install spotify ---- == References . https://github.com/rpmfusion/lpf-spotify-client . https://flathub.org/apps/details/com.spotify.Client . https://snapcraft.io/spotify ifdef::parent-context[:context: {parent-context}] ifndef::parent-context[:!context:]