= Wine include::{partialsdir}/unreviewed-message.adoc[] http://winehq.org/[Wine] is an open source implementation of the Windows API on top of X and OpenGL. Wine emulates the Windows runtime environment by translating Windows system calls into POSIX-compliant system calls, recreating the directory structure of Windows systems, and providing alternative implementations of Windows system libraries, system services through https://wiki.winehq.org/Wineserver[wineserver]. == Packages Fedora's Wine packages are split up to allow for smaller installations. The `wine` meta package will bring with it the most important components of Wine. Expert users may want to pick specific components from the list https://packages.fedoraproject.org/pkgs/wine/[here]. The current versions of the Wine packages can also be seen on the https://packages.fedoraproject.org/pkgs/wine/wine/[Fedora packages application]. [[bugs-and-problems]] == Bugs and problems Before reporting bugs against Wine please make sure your system is fully up to date. .... dnf upgrade .... Also check if a newer version is available in the https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Updates_Testing[updates-testing] repository. .... dnf --enablerepo=updates-testing update wine .... If you are using the proprietary graphics drivers please remove them from your system and try again, as they are known to cause problems. When debugging Wine, your goal is to determine if the issue is one of _code functionality_ or _packaging in Fedora_. Check the http://appdb.winehq.org[Wine Application Database] to see if your application is supported, or if there are known issues that match yours. Anything that falls into this category is a bug in upstream code functionality. The next step is to see if the problem persists with a clean ~/.wine folder. To try this without losing your old configuration: .... mv ~/.wine ~/.wine-save .... Afterwards try to trigger the bug again. Your original wine folder can be restored with: .... rm -fr ~/.wine; mv ~/.wine-save ~/.wine .... If your application still does not work but has been working in a previous version of wine it is probably a regression. Consider filling a bug in the upstream https://bugs.wine-staging.com/[Wine-staging bug tracking system]. IMPORTANT: Do not file bugs in the Winehq.org bugzilla unless told to do so. If you really think that your bug is Fedora-related, file a bug against the Wine component in https://bugzilla.redhat.com[Fedora's bug tracking system].