ifdef::context[:parent-context: {context}] :context: getting_started_with_jitsi [[getting_started_with_jitsi]] = Getting started with Jitsi Jitsi video conferencing stack enables users to create virtual meetings, conferences, and collaboration sessions among other notable use-cases. Jitsi video conferencing stack provides: * Jitsi Meet: a feature-packed client application used by conference participants * Jitsi Videobridge: a server-side component of the Jitsi stack. Acts as a central hub for video conferences, where participants can join by accessing a uniquely generated conference URL from the server. Jitsi Videobridge conducts negotiation of audio and video streams between conference participants and also provides the necessary infrastructure for seamless experience. include::{partialsdir}/installing_jitsi.adoc[leveloffset=0] include::{partialsdir}/.adoc[leveloffset=0] For more information see link:https://jitsi.org/[jitsi] ifdef::parent-context[:context: {parent-context}] ifndef::parent-context[:!context:]