[[adding-new-fonts-as-user]] = Adding new fonts as a user When you do not have superuser access to install fonts on the system level, or you only need to install a font that will be available to your user account only, there are two methods to do it. [[adding-new-local-fonts-with-gfv]] == Adding new local fonts with the Gnome Font Viewer The *Gnome Font Viewer* is an application to display the fonts installed on the system. It also allows you to locally install fonts. To add a new font file with *Gnome Font Viewer*: [discrete] === Before you start * Make sure you have installed the `gnome-font-viewer` package. [discrete] === Procedure . Open a file manager. . Double-click on a font file to open it in the *Gnome Font Viewer*. . Click on the blue btn:[Install] button on the top bar. + [NOTE] ==== Currently, there is a bug in the application. When you click on the btn:[Install] button, it does not inform whether the installation succeeded. ==== [discrete] === More information * *Gnome Font Viewer* copies the font files to a font directory in the current user's directory `.local/share/fonts` and updates the font cache. [[adding-new-local-fonts-manually]] == Adding new local fonts manually If you do not want to use any tools to add new fonts, you can do it manually. Copy the font files in the `.fonts` directory placed in the user's directory and update the font cache. [discrete] === Before you start * If it does not exist, create a `.fonts` directory in your user's home directory. [discrete] === Procedure . In the `.local/share/fonts` directory, create a new directory to place your fonts files. + ---- $ mkdir ~/.local/share/fonts/robofont ---- . Copy the font file into the newly created directory. + ---- $ cp robofont.ttf ~/.local/share/fonts/robofont ---- . Update the font cache. + ---- $ fc-cache -v ----