// Module included in the following assemblies: // //firewalld.adoc // Base the file name and the ID on the module title. For example: // * file name: doing-procedure-a.adoc // * ID: [id='doing-procedure-a'] // * Title: = Doing procedure A // The ID is used as an anchor for linking to the module. Avoid changing it after the module has been published to ensure existing links are not broken. [id=stopping-firewalld-fedora] // The `context` attribute enables module reuse. Every module's ID includes {context}, which ensures that the module has a unique ID even if it is reused multiple times in a guide. = Stopping firewalld To stop firewalld, enter the following command as root: ---- $ sudo systemctl stop firewalld ---- Prevent firewalld from starting automatically at system start, enter the following command as root: ---- $ sudo systemctl disable firewalld ---- Make sure firewalld is not started by accessing the firewalld D-Bus interface and also if other services require firewalld, enter the following command as root: ---- $ sudo systemctl mask firewalld ----