Distribute your *public* key as widely as possible, especially to people who you know will want to receive authentic communications from you, such as a mailing list.
If you choose a bogus email address, it will be more difficult for others to find your public key.
This makes authenticating your communications difficult.
If you are using this GPG key for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Introduce_yourself_to_the_Docs_Project[self-introduction] on a mailing list, for example, enter the email address you use on that list.
Your key fingerprint is actually a 160 bit SHA-1 hash of the key, represented as a 40 character string of hexadecimal digits.
Though shorter than the public key itself, it's still a bit unwieldy, so people tend to use a shorter _GPG key ID_ to refer to a key when, for example, looking up a key in a keyserver.
The GPG key ID is a small number of hex digits drawn from the characters representing the lower-order bits of the fingerprint.
The "short" GPG key ID consists of the final 8 characters of the hexadecimal fingerprint, that is, the last 32 bits of the fingerprint.
Short keys are unsafe and no longer recommended because it's possible to create collisions so that an attacker's forged key has the same short ID as your key.
Thus if you give someone the short GPG key ID of your key, they may retrieve the attacker's key from a keyserver instead.
For this reason, it's preferred to use the "long" GPG key ID, which consists of the final 16 characters of your key's hexadecimal fingerprint.
This represents the 64 lower-order bits of your fingerprint, which is sufficient to be collision-resistant.
The `gpg` program makes it easy for you to find your key's long GPG key ID:
The `0xlong` format prepends "0x" to the key ID to make it clear that this is a series of hexadecimal digits; it is considered good practice to do this.
The output from the above command looks like this:
The first line (beginning with "pub") tells you what kind the key is (that is, 3072 bit RSA) and what the long key ID is (that is, `0x26FBCC7836BF353A`).
You can see that this corresponds to the last 16 characters of the Key fingerprint in the output.