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= Creating GPG Keys
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This page explains in detail how to obtain a GPG key using common Fedora
utilities. It also provides information on managing your key as a Fedora
Creating GPG Keys
Creating GPG Keys Using the GNOME Desktop
Install the *Seahorse* utility, which makes GPG key management easier.
From the main menu, select _Applications > Add/Remove Software_. Select
the _Search_ tab and enter the name _seahorse_. Select the checkbox next
to the _seahorse_ package and select _Apply_ to add the software. You
can also install *Seahorse* using the command line with the command
`su -c "yum install seahorse"`.
To create a key, go the the Activities overview and select _Passwords
and Encryption Keys_, which starts the application *Seahorse*.
From the _File_ menu select _New..._ then _PGP Key_ then click
_Continue_. Type your full name, email address, and an optional comment
describing who you are (e.g.: John C. Smith, jsmith@example.com, The
Man). Click _Create_. A dialog is displayed asking for a passphrase for
the key. Choose a passphrase that is strong but also easy to remember.
Click _OK_ and the key is created.
To find your GPG key ID click on the _My Personal Keys_ tab and look in
the _Key ID_ column next to the newly created key. In most cases, if you
are asked for the key ID, you should prepend "0x" to the key ID, as in
Now you should link:#BackupGNOME[ make a backup] of your private key.
Creating GPG Keys Using the KDE Desktop
Start the *KGpg* program from the main menu by selecting _Utilities >
PIM > KGpg_. If you have never used *KGpg* before, the program walks you
through the process of creating your own GPG keypair.
A dialog box appears prompting you to create a new key pair. Enter your
name, email address, and an optional comment. You can also choose an
expiration time for your key, as well as the key strength (number of
bits) and algorithms. The next dialog box prompts you for your
passphrase. At this point, your key appears in the main *KGpg* window.
To find your GPG key ID, look in the _Key ID_ column next to the newly
created key. In most cases, if you are asked for the key ID, you should
prepend "0x" to the key ID, as in "0x6789ABCD".
Now you should link:#BackupKDE[ make a backup] of your private key.
Creating GPG Keys Using the Command Line
Use the following shell command:
gpg2 --full-gen-key
This command generates a key pair that consists of a public and a
private key. Other people use your public key to authenticate and/or
decrypt your communications. Distribute your *public* key as widely as
possible, especially to people who you know will want to receive
authentic communications from you, such as a mailing list. The Fedora
Documentation Project, for example, asks participants to include a GPG
public key in their link:DocsProject/SelfIntroduction[
self-introduction] .
A series of prompts directs you through the process. Press the *Enter*
key to assign a default value if desired. The first prompt asks you to
select what kind of key you prefer:
Please select what kind of key you want:
(1) RSA and RSA (default)
(2) DSA and Elgamal
(3) DSA (sign only)
(4) RSA (sign only)
Your selection?
In almost all cases, the default is the correct choice. A RSA/RSA key
allows you not only to sign communications, but also to encrypt files.
Next, choose the key size:
RSA keys may be between 1024 and 4096 bits long. Larger is almost always recommended here, however your use case and security models may dictate otherwise.
What keysize do you want? (2048)
Again, the default is sufficient for almost all users, and represents an
_extremely_ strong level of security.
Next, choose when the key will expire. It is a good idea to choose an
expiration date instead of using the default, which is _none._ If, for
example, the email address on the key becomes invalid, an expiration
date will remind others to stop using that public key.
Please specify how long the key should be valid.
0 = key does not expire
<n> = key expires in n days
<n>w = key expires in n weeks
<n>m = key expires in n months
<n>y = key expires in n years
Key is valid for? (0)
Entering a value of `1y`, for example, makes the key valid for one year.
(You may change this expiration date after the key is generated, if you
change your mind.)
Before the `gpg` program asks for signature information, the following
prompt appears:
Is this correct (y/n)?
Enter `y` to finish the process.
Next, enter your name and email address. _Remember this process is about
authenticating you as a real individual._ For this reason, include your
_real name_. Do not use aliases or handles, since these disguise or
obfuscate your identity.
Enter your real email address for your GPG key. If you choose a bogus
email address, it will be more difficult for others to find your public
key. This makes authenticating your communications difficult. If you are
using this GPG key for link:DocsProject/SelfIntroduction[
self-introduction] on a mailing list, for example, enter the email
address you use on that list.
Use the comment field to include aliases or other information. (Some
people use different keys for different purposes and identify each key
with a comment, such as "Office" or "Open Source Projects.")
At the confirmation prompt, enter the letter *O* to continue if all
entries are correct, or use the other options to fix any problems.
Finally, enter a passphrase for your secret key. The `gpg` program asks
you to enter your passphrase twice to ensure you made no typing errors.
Finally, `gpg` generates random data to make your key as unique as
possible. Move your mouse, type random keys, or perform other tasks on
the system during this step to speed up the process. Once this step is
finished, your keys are complete and ready to use:
pub 1024D/1B2AFA1C 2005-03-31 John Q. Doe (Fedora Docs Project) <jqdoe@example.com>
Key fingerprint = 117C FE83 22EA B843 3E86 6486 4320 545E 1B2A FA1C
sub 1024g/CEA4B22E 2005-03-31 [expires: 2006-03-31]
The key fingerprint is a shorthand "signature" for your key. It allows
you to confirm to others that they have received your actual public key
without any tampering. You do not need to write this fingerprint down.
To display the fingerprint at any time, use this command, substituting
your email address:
gpg2 --fingerprint jqdoe@example.com
Your "GPG key ID" consists of 8 hex digits identifying the public key.
In the example above, the GPG key ID is 1B2AFA1C. In most cases, if you
are asked for the key ID, you should prepend "0x" to the key ID, as in
Now you should link:#BackupCLI[ make a backup] of your private key.
Including your revocation keys for all active keys ( this allows your
revoking keys in the event of lost passphrase of key compromise)
Making a Backup
Making a Key Backup Using the GNOME Desktop
Right-click your key and select _Properties_. Select the _Details_ tab,
and _Export_, next to the _Export Complete Key_ label. Select a
destination filename and click _Save_.
Store the copy in a secure place, such as a locked container. Now you
are ready to link:#ExportGNOME[ make your public key available to
others] .
Making a Key Backup Using the KDE Desktop
Right-click your key and select _Export Secret Key_. At the confirmation
dialog, click _Export_ to continue, then select a destination filename
and click _Save_.
Store the copy in a secure place, such as a locked container. Now you
are ready to link:#ExportKDE[ make your public key available to others]
Making a Key Backup Using the Command Line
Use the following command to make the backup, which you can then copy to
a destination of your choice:
gpg2 --export-secret-keys --armor jqdoe@example.com > jqdoe-privkey.asc
Store the copy in a secure place, such as a locked container. Now you
are ready to link:#ExportCLI[ make your public key available to others]
Making Your Public Key Available
When you make your public key available to others, they can verify
communications you sign, or send you encrypted communications if
necessary. This procedure is also known as _exporting_.
You should now export your key using link:#ExportGNOME[ GNOME] ,
link:#ExportKDE[ KDE] , or the link:#ExportCLI[ command line] . You can
also link:#ExportFile[ copy your key manually] to a file if you wish to
email it to individuals or groups.
Exporting a GPG Key Using the GNOME Desktop
Export the key to a public keyserver where other project members can
obtain it. Right-click the key and select _Sync and Publish Keys..._ (or
in the seahorse menu bar click on the _Remote_ menu and select _Sync and
Publish Keys..._). Click _Key Servers_, select
_hkp://subkeys.pgp.net:11371_ in the _Publish Keys To_ combobox, click
_Close_ and then _Sync_.
You can now link:#Safeguarding[ read more about safeguarding your key]
or use your browser to go back to a previous page.
Exporting a GPG Key Using the KDE Desktop
After your key has been generated, you can export the key to a public
keyserver by right-clicking on the key in the main window, and selecting
_Export Public Keys_. From there you can export your public key to the
clipboard, an ASCII file, to an email, or directly to a key server.
Export your public key to the default key server.
You can now link:#Safeguarding[ read more about safeguarding your key]
or use your browser to go back to a previous page.
Exporting a GPG Key Using the Command Line
Use the following command to send your key to a public keyserver:
gpg2 --send-key KEYNAME
For _KEYNAME_, substitute the key ID or fingerprint of your primary
This will send your key to the gnupg default key server
(keys.gnupg.net), if you prefer another one use :
gpg2 --keyserver hkp://pgp.mit.edu --send-key KEYNAME
Replacing "pgp.mit.edu" with your server of choice.
You can now link:#Safeguarding[ read more about safeguarding your key]
or use your browser to go back to a previous page.
Copying a Public Key Manually
If you want to give or send a file copy of your key to someone, use this
command to write it to an ASCII text file:
gpg2 --export --armor jqdoe@example.com > jqdoe-pubkey.asc
You can now link:#Safeguarding[ read more about safeguarding your key]
or use your browser to go back to a previous page.
Safeguarding Your Secret Key
Treat your secret key as you would any very important document or
physical key. (Some people always keep their secret key on their person,
either on magnetic or flash media.) If you lose your secret key, you
will be unable to sign communications, or to open encrypted
communications that were sent to you.
Hardware Token options
If you followed the above, you have a secret key which is just a regular
file. A more secure model than keeping the key on disk is to use a
hardware token.
There are several options available on the market, for example the
Look for a token which advertises OpenPGP support. See
blog entry] for how to create a key with offline backups, and use the
token for online access.
GPG Key Revocation
When you revoke a key, you withdraw it from public use. _You should only
have to do this if it is compromised or lost, or you forget the
Generating a Revocation Certificate
When you create the key pair you should also create a key revocation
certificate. If you later issue the revocation certificate, it notifies
others that the public key is not to be used. Users may still use a
revoked public key to verify old signatures, but not encrypt messages.
As long as you still have access to the private key, messages received
previously may still be decrypted. If you forget the passphrase, you
will not be able to decrypt messages encrypted to that key.
gpg2 --output revoke.asc --gen-revoke KEYNAME
If you do not use the `--output` flag, the certificate will print to
standard output.
For _KEYNAME_, substitute either the key ID of your primary keypair or
any part of a user ID that identifies your keypair. Once you create the
certificate (the `revoke.asc` file), you should protect it. If it is
published by accident or through the malicious actions of others, the
public key will become unusable. It is a good idea to write the
revocation certificate to secure removable media or print out a hard
copy for secure storage to maintain secrecy.
Revoking a key
gpg2 --import revoke.asc
Once you locally revoke the key, you should send the revoked certificate
to a keyserver, regardless of whether the key was originally issued in
this way. Distribution through a server helps other users to quickly
become aware the key has been compromised.
Export to a keyserver with the following command:
gpg2 --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --send KEYNAME
For _KEYNAME_, substitute either the key ID of your primary keypair or
any part of a user ID that identifies your keypair.
See the Using_GPG page for more ideas on using your new GPG keys.
Category:Informal_Documentation Category:Encryption
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