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// Module included in the following assemblies:
// <List assemblies here, each on a new line>
// Base the file name and the ID on the module title. For example:
// * file name: doing-procedure-a.adoc
// * ID: [id='doing-procedure-a']
// * Title: = Doing procedure A
// The ID is used as an anchor for linking to the module. Avoid changing it after the module has been published to ensure existing links are not broken.
// The `context` attribute enables module reuse. Every module's ID includes {context}, which ensures that the module has a unique ID even if it is reused multiple times in a guide.
= Installing Fedora on a Raspberry Pi using the Fedora ARM installer
// Start the title of a procedure module with a verb, such as Creating or Create. See also _Wording of headings_ in _The IBM Style Guide_.
This procedure shows Fedora users how to add Fedora ARM to a microSD for use with a Raspberry Pi using the Fedora ARM installer.
* A supported Rasbperry Pi
* A microSD Card (16 GB or larger).
* A computer running Fedora 28 or newer.
* SD card reader.
* A Fedora ARM image from: link:https://arm.fedoraproject.org/[].
. Download a Fedora ARM image from the link:https://arm.fedoraproject.org/[Fedora ARM website].
. Install the `arm-image-installer`:
$ dnf install -y arm-image-installer
. As the root user, write the Fedora ARM image to the microSD card:
# arm-image-installer --image=__&#60;/path/to/fedora_image&#62;__ --target=__&#60;RPi_Version&#62;__ --media=/dev/__&#60;sd_card_device&#62;__ --resizefs
* The `__&#60;/path/to/fedora_image&#62;__` has the format `Fedora-__&#60;spin&#62;__-armhfp-__&#60;fedora_version&#62;__-sda.raw.xz`.
** For example: `/home/user/Downloads/Fedora-Server-armhfp-{MAJOROSVER}-1.1-sda.raw.xz`.
* `__&#60;RPi_Version&#62;__` is:
** `rpi2` for a Raspberry Pi 2.
** `rpi3` for a Raspberry Pi 3.
* `/dev/__&#60;sd_card_device&#62;__` is the microSD card 'device' on your system, such as `/dev/sdX` or `/dev/mmcblkX`. The `lsblk` command may help you identify your micro-SD card.
* To see usage options for the `arm-image-installer`, run:
$ arm-image-installer --help
* For list of supported boards please check SUPPORTED-BOARDS file.
$ cat /usr/share/doc/arm-image-installer/SUPPORTED-BOARDS
Your microSD card is ready to be used with your Raspberry Pi.
ifeval::["{context}" == "rpi"]
._Next Steps_
For information on starting and configuring Fedora on Raspberry Pi, see: xref:booting-fedora-on-a-raspberry-pi-for-the-first-time_{context}[].
._Additional Resources_
* For information on using the Fedora ARM Installer, see: link:https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/ARM/Installation[Fedora Wiki: Installing Fedora on your ARM device].
* For assistance or support, see:
** link:https://ask.fedoraproject.org/[Ask Fedora]
** link:https://lists.fedoraproject.org/admin/lists/arm%40lists.fedoraproject.org/[Fedora ARM mailing list]
** link:https://web.libera.chat/?channels=#fedora-arm[IRC via the #fedora-arm channel on Libera.Chat]