Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment (AIDE) is a utility that creates a database of files on the system, and then uses that database to ensure file integrity and detect system intrusions.
NOTE: In the default configuration, the *aide --init* command checks just a set of directories and files defined in the `/etc/aide.conf` file. To include additional directories or files in the AIDE database, and to change their watched parameters, edit `/etc/aide.conf` accordingly.
. To start using the database, remove the `.new` substring from the initial database file name:
. To change the location of the *AIDE* database, edit the `/etc/aide.conf` file and modify the `DBDIR` value. For additional security, store the database, configuration, and the `/usr/sbin/aide` binary file in a secure location such as a read-only media.
IMPORTANT: To avoid SELinux denials after the AIDE database location change, update your SELinux policy accordingly. See the xref:changing-selinux-states-and-modes.adoc[Changing SELinux states and modes] guide for more information.
//link:[SELinux User's and Administrator's Guide] for more information.
At a minimum, *AIDE* should be configured to run a weekly scan. At most, *AIDE* should be run daily. For example, to schedule a daily execution of AIDE at _04:05_ a.m. use the *cron* command.
The *aide --update* command creates the `/var/lib/aide/` database file. To start using it for integrity checks, remove the `.new` substring from the file name.
== Additional Resources
For additional information on *AIDE*, see the following documentation: