Did you know Fedora packages several freely-licensed fonts?
There are several supplementary fonts to preview and try out that are not installed by default.
Like all fonts on Fedora, these fonts are not encumbered with licenses or restrictions.
An added benefit of packaged fonts is they give you control over the font package in the future.
You will receive future updates and can easily uninstall it later if you decide it is not the font for you.
=== GNOME Software
This section uses a Graphical User Interface (G.U.I.) for managing fonts.
The easiest way to preview and install new fonts is to use [application]`GNOME Software`.
Search for a specific font or search "fonts" in [application]`GNOME Software` to see what other freely-licensed fonts are available.
=== DNF package manager
This section uses a Command Line Interface (C.L.I.) for managing fonts.
If you prefer working in a C.L.I., you can also install fonts with [application]`dnf`.
Add or enable third-party repositories with font packages::
Many fonts are available from the RPM Fusion repository.
To enable the repository on your system, follow xref:setup_rpmfusion.adoc[these instructions].
List all available font packages from enabled repositories::
`sudo dnf search fonts`
Install the font package you need::
`sudo dnf install libreoffice-opensymbol-fonts`
== Unpackaged fonts
In many cases, you may want to use a specific font that is not available in Fedora or is not made available under https://freedomdefined.org/Definition[Free Culture] licenses.
Unpackaged fonts are not managed by a package manager.
You will not automatically receive updates or optimizations.
If a font is provided by a distribution package, you should always use a packaged version of a font.
=== System fonts
System fonts are installed for all users.
Anyone with an account on the machine will be able to use these fonts.
Create a new directory `/usr/share/fonts/<font-family-name>/` for the new font family::
`sudo mkdir /usr/share/fonts/robofont`
Copy font files (e.g. `.ttf` files) to the new directory::