Fabio Valentini f579129792
docs: add docs for rust2rpm + config formats in man-friendly format
Remove documentation for rust2rpm.conf file format from the README. The
custom INI-based format is deprecated in favor of rust2rpm.toml. Both
formats are documented, including a migration guide from the old to the
new format.

The included build script shows how to build man pages from the asciidoc
source files.
2023-10-09 22:18:40 +02:00

217 lines
8.6 KiB

= rust2rpm.toml(5)
:doctype: manpage
:manmanual: rust2rpm
:mansource: rust2rpm
== Name
rust2rpm.toml - package-specific configuration file for *rust2rpm*
== Description
Many aspects of *rust2rpm*(1) can be configured by setting package-specific
preferences in a *rust2rpm.conf* file. If a file with this name is present in
the current working directory when running rust2rpm, it is loaded automatically.
This is especially useful for changes that need to be permanently applied to
generated spec files.
== Options
The settings in *rust2rpm.toml* are split into different sections ("tables").
=== [package] table
This table contains settings that affect RPM metadata.
This setting is used to override the value of the RPM "Summary" tag and can be
used if the summary generated from crate metadata based on heuristics is not
good enough. Accepts a TOML string.
This setting is used to override the value of the RPM %description. Accepts a
TOML string (for longer / multi-line descriptions, triple-quoted multi-line
strings can be used).
This setting can be used to specify that the crate only has support for
limited architectures (i.e. not all CPU architectures that are supported by
the distribution). This setting accepts TOML array of strings. If this setting
is present, the "cargo build" and "cargo test" steps in the generated spec
file are wrapped with "%ifarch" conditionals.
=== [tests] table
This table contains settings that control which tests are run. If any settings
that restrict which tests are run are present, the *comments* setting should
also be added with an explanation of *why* the tests are disabled.
Specific (or all) tests can be turned off with this setting. It accepts a TOML
array of strings (with only "none", "all", "lib", "bin", "doc", "bins", and
"tests" being accepted values). Neither "none" or "all" can be used in
combination with other settings, but other settings can be combined freely. +
If this setting is not specified, the default is equivalent to "all" (i.e.
all tests are run, no arguments are passed to "cargo test"). If the setting
is set to "none", the "check" bcond is turned off. The other options specify
that only some parts of the cargo test suite are run.
This setting can be used to skip specific tests. They are passed as "--skip"
arguments to the cargo test harness. Accepts a TOML array of strings.
This setting contols whether tests are skipped based on substring match
(the default) or only on exact match. Unless there is a large number of
skipped tests, it is recommended to enable this setting to avoid skipping
too many / unrelated tests. Accepts a TOML boolean. If this setting is
unspecified, the default behaviour is equivalent to setting it to "false".
Whenever any tests (or kinds of tests) are skipped or disabled, it is
strongly recomemended to add short comments (or links to upstream issues)
that explain *why* that is the case. Accepts a TOML array of strings.
The comment text is automatically formatted, line-wrapped to 80 columns,
and prefixed with "#". If *run* is set to *["none"]*, the comments are
added just before the disabled "check" bcond. Otherwise, the comments
are added just before the "%cargo_test" macro calls.
=== [features] table
The [features] table wraps settings that pertain to crate "features" and feature
flags that are passed to cargo.
When enabled, this setting causes the "-a" / "--all-features" flag to be
passed to all cargo calls. This can be used for crates where running tests
requires optional features to be enabled, or for applications where enabling
all features is desirable. Accepts a TOML boolean. Setting *enable-all* to
"true" requires the *enable* setting to be unspecified or to be an empty
array. The default behaviour if this setting is not specified is equivalent
to setting it to "false".
This setting provides more fine-grained control for passing feature flags to
cargo calls. Accepts a TOML array of strings that must be valid feature names.
Setting *enable* to a non-empty array requires the *enable-all* setting to be
unspecified or to be "false".
This setting can be used to prevent subpackages for crate features and
implicit features for optional dependencies from being generated in the spec
file. For example, this can be useful for crates that have unused non-default
features which pull in additional dependencies. Accepts a TOML array of
strings that must be valid feature names / names of optional dependencies with
associated implicit features. +
*NOTE*: Care needs to be taken to only "hide" features / optional dependencies
that are not dependencies of other "non-hidden" features, otherwise the
subpackages for the dependent features will have unsatisfiable dependencies.
All features that are marked as "hidden" by this setting must be "unreachable"
via feature dependencies from any feature subpackages that are still present
in the generated spec file. In some circumstances, the only way to cleanly
handle removal of unused non-default features is to patch Cargo.toml instead.
=== [requires] table
Additional RPM dependencies (Requires) for different types of subpackages can
be specified with settings in the [requires] table.
Additional BuildRequires for the package can be specified with this setting.
Accepts a TOML array of strings that must be valid RPM dependency identifiers.
The BuildRequires included in this setting are either added in the
%generare_buildrequires scriptlet for targets where this is enabled, or as
plain BuildRequires for targets without dynamically generated BuildRequires.
This setting allows specifying additional BuildRequires that are only needed
when running a project's test suite (i.e. "cargo test"). It works the same as
the setting for additional BuildRequires, except that all entries are wrapped
in an "%if %{with check}" conditional.
With this setting, additional dependencies (Requires) for the main "-devel"
subpackage of a "library crate" can be specified. For example, many "-sys"
bindings require the development headers for the wrapped C library to be
present during both build time of the package for the crate itself *and*
when building a package that depends on this crate. In these cases, the same
dependency often needs to be added in both _requires.build_ and
_requires.lib_. Accepts a TOML array of strings that must be valid RPM
dependency identifiers.
For crates that include application binaries / executables, this setting can
be used to add additional dependencies for the subpackage that contains these
executables. Accepts a TOML array of strings that must be valid RPM dependency
This nested table can be used to specify additional dependencies for "feature
subpackages". The keys in this table must be valid names of crate features or
names of optional dependencies with associated implicit features, and values
are expected to be TOML arrays of strings that must be valid RPM dependency
== Migrating from rust2rpm.conf
The manual page for *rust2rpm.conf*(5) contains simple guide for migrating
old configuration files to TOML.
== Examples
=== Bindings for system libraries
One typical use case for a *rust2rpm.toml* file are in packages for crates that
contain bindings for system libraries, especially if crate features are used to
control which APIs of the library are made available.
Example file equivalent to the *rust2rpm.conf* example for "gtk4-sys" version
0.7.3 on Fedora 38, where version 4.10 of gtk4 is available:
hide = ["v4_12", "v4_14"]
build = ["pkgconfig(gtk4) >= 4.0.0"]
lib = ["pkgconfig(gtk4) >= 4.0.0"]
v4_2 = ["pkgconfig(gtk4) >= 4.2"]
v4_4 = ["pkgconfig(gtk4) >= 4.4"]
v4_6 = ["pkgconfig(gtk4) >= 4.6"]
v4_8 = ["pkgconfig(gtk4) >= 4.7"]
v4_10 = ["pkgconfig(gtk4) >= 4.10"]
=== External dependencies of the Rust standard library
The Rust standard library depends on some crates that are also published
separately, and a "hack" is used when building these crates as part of "std".
The crate features and optional dependencies that are used for this purpose
are useless in other situations.
Example file from the package for "libc" version 0.2.149:
hide = [
build = ["glibc-devel"]
lib = ["glibc-devel"]
== Homepage
== See also
*rust2rpm*(1), *rust2rpm.conf*(5)