%rust_arches x86_64 i686 armv7hl aarch64 ppc64 ppc64le riscv64 s390x %version_no_tilde() %{lua: local sep = rpm.expand('%1') local ver = rpm.expand('%2') \ if sep == '%1' then sep = '-' end \ if ver == '%2' then ver = rpm.expand('%version') end ver = ver:gsub('~', sep) \ print(ver) } %__crates_url https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/ %crates_source() %{lua: local crate = rpm.expand('%1') local version = rpm.expand('%2') local url = rpm.expand('%__crates_url') \ if crate == '%1' then crate = rpm.expand('%real_crate') end if crate == '%real_crate' then crate = rpm.expand('%crate') end if crate == '%crate' then crate = rpm.expand('%name') end \ if version == '%2' then version = rpm.expand('%version') end version = version:gsub('~', '-') \ print(url .. crate .. '/' .. version .. '/download#/' .. crate .. '-' .. version .. '.crate') } # If crate not in _build_crates and _module_build is set, we should skip the build %__cargo_skip_build %{lua: local crate = rpm.expand('%{crate}') local build_crate = false for w in rpm.expand('%{?_build_crates}'):gmatch('%S+') do if w == crate then build_crate = true break end end if (rpm.expand('%{defined _module_build}') ~= '0' and not build_crate) then print(1) else print(0) end}