generator: workspace support + document all Jinja2 template parameters
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 736 additions and 250 deletions
@ -115,22 +115,33 @@ def main():
if not metadata.is_workspace():
spec_contents = spec_render_crate(
feature_flags=FeatureFlags(all_features=(conf_all_features or args.all_features)),
spec_contents = spec_render_workspace(**dict())
spec_contents = spec_render_workspace(
feature_flags=FeatureFlags(all_features=(conf_all_features or args.all_features)),
if args.stdout:
print(f"# {spec_file}")
@ -103,20 +103,20 @@ def template_args_plain(date: Optional[time.struct_time], packager: Optional[str
def spec_render_crate(
target: str,
auto_changelog_entry: bool,
rpmautospec: bool,
relative_license_paths: bool,
rpm_name: str,
metadata: Metadata,
target: str,
rpm_name: str,
patch_file_automatic: Optional[str],
patch_file_manual: Optional[str],
packager: str,
doc_files: list[str],
license_files: list[str],
doc_files: list[str],
feature_flags: FeatureFlags,
relative_license_paths: bool,
rpmautospec: bool,
auto_changelog_entry: bool,
date: Optional[time.struct_time] = None,
packager: str,
template = spec_file_template("crate.spec")
@ -183,11 +183,11 @@ def spec_render_crate(
cargo_args = ""
if license_str := metadata.packages[0].license:
license_tag, license_comments = translate_license(target, license_str)
rpm_license, rpm_license_comments = translate_license(target, license_str)
log.warn("No license information in crate metadata.")
license_tag = None
license_comments = "FIXME: No license information in crate metadata."
rpm_license = None
rpm_license_comments = "FIXME: No license information in crate metadata."
template_args_common = {
# Parameters specific to rust2rpm
@ -199,8 +199,8 @@ def spec_render_crate(
"rpm_version": Version.parse(package.version).to_rpm(),
"rpm_summary": summary,
"rpm_description": description,
"rpm_license": license_tag,
"rpm_license_comments": license_comments,
"rpm_license": rpm_license,
"rpm_license_comments": rpm_license_comments,
"rpm_patch_file_automatic": patch_file_automatic,
"rpm_patch_file_manual": patch_file_manual,
"rpm_buildrequires": rpm_buildrequires,
@ -243,7 +243,6 @@ def spec_render_crate(
raise ValueError(f"Unknown target {target!r} (this should never happen)")
spec_contents = template.render(
@ -256,72 +255,102 @@ def spec_render_crate(
def spec_render_workspace(
version: str,
target: str,
auto_changelog_entry: bool,
rpmautospec: bool,
relative_license_paths: bool,
dynamic_buildrequires: bool,
rpm_name: str,
project: str,
metadata: Metadata,
packager: str,
doc_files: list[str],
target: str,
rpm_name: str,
license_files: list[str],
doc_files: list[str],
all_features: bool,
feature_flags: FeatureFlags,
rpmautospec: bool,
auto_changelog_entry: bool,
date: Optional[time.struct_time] = None,
packager: str,
) -> str:
template = spec_file_template("workspace.spec")
# sort binaries by name for consistent ordering
# enforce consistent ordering of binaries
binaries = [*metadata.get_binaries()]
generator_version = __version__.split(".")[0]
description = guess_main_package(metadata).get_description()
summary = guess_main_package(metadata).get_summary()
main_package = guess_main_package(metadata)
rpm_version = Version.parse(main_package.version).to_rpm()
rpm_description = main_package.get_description()
rpm_summary = main_package.get_summary()
template_args_commmon = {
"rust2rpm_version": generator_version,
"target": target,
"project": project,
"include_devel": False,
"auto_changelog_entry": auto_changelog_entry,
"rpmautospec": rpmautospec,
"relative_license_paths": relative_license_paths,
"generate_buildrequires": dynamic_buildrequires,
"doc_files": doc_files,
"license_files": license_files,
"distconf": distconf,
"all_features": all_features,
"features": [],
# new below
"rpm_name": rpm_name,
"rpm_version": Version.parse(version).to_rpm(),
"rpm_summary": summary,
"rpm_description": description,
generator_version = __version__.split(".")[0]
buildrequires = rpm.workspace_buildrequires(metadata, feature_flags, False)
test_requires = set.difference(
rpm.workspace_buildrequires(metadata, feature_flags, True),
rpm.workspace_buildrequires(metadata, feature_flags, False),
rpm_buildrequires = list(sorted(buildrequires))
rpm_test_requires = list(sorted(test_requires))
conf_buildrequires = to_list(distconf.get("buildrequires"))
conf_test_requires = to_list(distconf.get("testrequires"))
conf_bin_requires = to_list(distconf.get("bin.requires"))
if any(package_uses_rust_1_60_feature_syntax(package.features) for package in metadata.packages):
rust_packaging_dep = "cargo-rpm-macros >= 24"
rust_packaging_dep = "rust-packaging >= 21"
# TODO: allow passing through more feature flags than just "--all-features"
if feature_flags.all_features:
cargo_args = " -a"
cargo_args = ""
license_strs = {package.license for package in metadata.packages}
if len(license_strs) == 1:
license_tag, comments = translate_license(target, list(license_strs)[0])
template_args_commmon["rpm_license"] = license_tag
template_args_commmon["rpm_license_comments"] = comments
rpm_license_tag, rpm_license_comments = translate_license(target, list(license_strs)[0])
is_composite = (
lambda x: (" " in x and " WITH " not in x and "(" not in x and ")" not in x) or "(" in x or ")" in x
license_strs = [
license_str if not is_composite(license_str) else f"({license_str})" for license_str in license_strs
license_str if not is_composite(license_str) else f"({license_str})"
for license_str in license_strs
if license_str is not None
license_str = " AND ".join(license_strs)
license_tag, comments = translate_license(target, license_str)
template_args_commmon["rpm_license"] = license_tag
template_args_commmon["rpm_license_comments"] = comments
rpm_license_tag, rpm_license_comments = translate_license(target, license_str)
template_args_common = {
# Parameters specific to rust2rpm
"rust2rpm_version": generator_version,
"rust2rpm_target": target,
"rust_packaging_dep": rust_packaging_dep,
# Parameters for RPM package metadata
"rpm_name": rpm_name,
"rpm_version": rpm_version,
"rpm_summary": rpm_summary,
"rpm_description": rpm_description,
"rpm_license": rpm_license_tag,
"rpm_license_comments": rpm_license_comments,
"rpm_buildrequires": rpm_buildrequires,
"rpm_test_requires": rpm_test_requires,
"rpm_license_files": license_files,
"rpm_doc_files": doc_files,
"rpm_binary_names": binaries,
# Parameters derived from rust2rpm.conf
"conf_buildrequires": conf_buildrequires,
"conf_test_requires": conf_test_requires,
"conf_bin_requires": conf_bin_requires,
# Parameters derived from command-line flags
"cargo_args": cargo_args,
"use_rpmautospec": rpmautospec,
"make_changelog_entry": auto_changelog_entry,
match target:
case "fedora":
@ -336,10 +365,7 @@ def spec_render_workspace(
raise ValueError(f"Unknown target {target!r} (this should never happen)")
spec_contents = template.render(
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
| parameter name | type | value |
| ---------------------------- | ------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `cargo_flags` | `str` | flags that are added to all `%cargo_foo` macro calls |
| `cargo_args` | `str` | flags that are added to all `%cargo_foo` macro calls |
| `use_relative_license_paths` | `bool` | toggle between relative and absolute paths as arguments for the `%license` macro |
| `use_rpmautospec` | `bool` | toggle usage of RPMAutospec in generated spec files |
| `make_changelog_entry` | `bool` | toggle creation of changelog entry in generated spec files |
@ -78,4 +78,53 @@
## Template for non-crate projects (with cargo workspace)
### Parameters specific to rust2rpm
| parameter name | type | value |
| -------------------- | ----- | ---------------------------------------------- |
| `rust2rpm_version` | `str` | current major version of rust2rpm |
| `rust2rpm_target` | `str` | target OS (fedora, mageia, opensuse, plain) |
| `rust_packaging_dep` | `str` | dependency string for RPM Rust packaging tools |
### Parameters for RPM package metadata
| parameter name | type | value |
| -------------------------- | ---------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| `rpm_name` | `str` | RPM source package Name (`rust-{crate}{suffix}`) |
| `rpm_version` | `str` | RPM package Version (translated to RPM format from SemVer) |
| `rpm_summary` | `Optional[str]` | RPM package summary (derived from `package.description` value from `Cargo.toml`) |
| `rpm_description` | `Optional[str]` | RPM package description (derived from `package.description` value from `Cargo.toml`) |
| `rpm_license` | `Optional[str]` | RPM License tag (derived from `package.license` value from `Cargo.toml`) |
| `rpm_license_comments` | `Optional[str]` | additional information returned by license string translation |
| `rpm_buildrequires` | `list[str]` | list of RPM `BuildRequires` |
| `rpm_test_requires` | `list[str]` | list of RPM `BuildRequires` that are gated by an `%if %{with check}` conditional |
| `rpm_license_files` | `list[str]` | list of the license files which were detected in crate sources |
| `rpm_doc_files` | `list[str]` | list of the documentation files which were detected in crate sources |
| `rpm_binary_names` | `list[str]` | list of the names of executables which are built from the project |
### Parameters derived from rust2rpm.conf
| parameter name | type | value |
| -------------------- | ---------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| `conf_buildrequires` | `list[str]` | list of additional RPM `BuildRequires` specified in `rust2rpm.conf` |
| `conf_test_requires` | `list[str]` | list of additional RPM `BuildRequires` specified in `rust2rpm.conf` that are gated by an `%if %{with check}` conditional |
| `conf_bin_requires` | `list[str]` | list of additional RPM `Requires` for the binary package specified in `rust2rpm.conf` |
### Parameters derived from command-line flags
| parameter name | type | value |
| ---------------------------- | ------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `cargo_args` | `str` | flags that are added to all `%cargo_foo` macro calls |
| `use_rpmautospec` | `bool` | toggle usage of RPMAutospec in generated spec files |
| `make_changelog_entry` | `bool` | toggle creation of changelog entry in generated spec files |
### Target-specific parameters
| parameter name | type | value |
| ------------------------ | ------ | --------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `rpm_release` | `str` | RPM package Release (exact value depends on the target OS) |
| `include_build_requires` | `bool` | toggle between dynamically generated and static `BuildRequires` |
| `rpm_group` | `str` | RPM Group tag (not defined on for all target OS) |
| `rpm_changelog_date` | `str` | date for automatically generated `%changelog` entry |
| `rpm_changelog_packager` | `str` | packager for automatically generated `%changelog` entry |
@ -1,17 +1,6 @@
{% include target ~ "" ignore missing %}
{% include rust2rpm_target ~ "" ignore missing %}
# Generated by rust2rpm {{ rust2rpm_version }}
%bcond_without check
{% set only_main = False %}
{% if not include_main %}
%global debug_package %{nil}
{% elif not include_devel %}
{% set only_main = True %}
{% endif %}
%global crate {{ crate_name }}
{% if != crate %}
%global real_crate {{ crate }}
{% endif %}
Name: {{ rpm_name }}
Version: {{ rpm_version }}
@ -21,199 +10,71 @@ Summary: # FIXME
{% else %}
Summary: {{ rpm_summary }}
{% endif %}
{% if rust_group is defined %}
Group: {{ rust_group }}
{% if rpm_group is defined %}
Group: {{ rpm_group }}
{% endif %}
{% if crate_license != rpm_license %}
# Upstream license specification: {{ metadata.license|default("(missing)") }}
{% endif %}
License: {{ license|default("# FIXME") }}
{% if license_comments is not none %}
{{ license_comments }}
{% endif %}
URL:{{ crate }}
Source: %{crates_source}
{% if patch_file_automatic is not none %}
# Automatically generated patch to strip foreign dependencies
Patch: {{ patch_file_automatic }}
{% endif %}
{% if patch_file_manual is not none %}
{% if target == "opensuse" %}
# PATCH-FIX-OPENSUSE {{ patch_file_manual }} — Manually created patch for downstream crate metadata changes
{% else %}
# Manually created patch for downstream crate metadata changes
{% endif %}
Patch: {{ patch_file_manual }}
License: {{ rpm_license|default("# FIXME") }}
{% if rpm_license_comments is not none %}
{{ rpm_license_comments }}
{% endif %}
Source: # FIXME
{% if target != "fedora" %}
{% if rust2rpm_target != "fedora" %}
ExclusiveArch: %{rust_arches}
{% endif %}
BuildRequires: rust-packaging >= 21
{% if all_features %}
{% set cargo_args = " -a" %}
{% endif %}
{% if not generate_buildrequires %}
{% if not all_features %}
{% set buildrequires = normalize_deps(metadata.requires("default", resolve=True))|sort %}
{% else %}
{% set buildrequires = normalize_deps(metadata.all_dependencies)|sort %}
{% endif %}
{% set testrequires = normalize_deps(metadata.dev_dependencies)|sort %}
{% set has_buildrequires = (buildrequires + testrequires)|length > 0 %}
{% if has_buildrequires and not only_main %}
{% endif %}
{% for req in buildrequires %}
BuildRequires: {{ rust_packaging_dep }}
{% if include_build_requires %}
{% for req in rpm_buildrequires %}
BuildRequires: {{ req }}
{% endfor %}
{% if testrequires|length > 0 %}
{% if rpm_test_requires|length > 0 %}
%if %{with check}
{% for req in testrequires %}
{% for req in rpm_test_requires %}
BuildRequires: {{ req }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% for req in to_list(distconf.get("buildrequires"))|sort %}
{% for req in conf_buildrequires %}
BuildRequires: {{ req }}
{% endfor %}
{% if distconf.get("testrequires") %}
{% if conf_test_requires %}
%if %{with check}
{% for req in to_list(distconf.get("testrequires"))|sort %}
{% for req in conf_test_requires %}
BuildRequires: {{ req }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if has_buildrequires and not only_main %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% for req in conf_bin_requires %}
Requires: {{ req }}
{% endfor %}
%global _description %{expand:
{% if metadata.description is none %}
{% if rpm_description is none %}
{%- else %}
{{ metadata.description|wordwrap }}
{{ rpm_description }}
{%- endif %}
%description %{_description}
{% if include_main %}
{% if not only_main %}
{% endif %}
%package -n %{crate}
Summary: %{summary}
{% if rust_group is defined %}
Group: # FIXME
{% endif %}
{% for req in to_list(distconf.get("bin.requires"))|sort %}
Requires: {{ req }}
{% endfor %}
%description -n %{crate} %{_description}
%files -n %{crate}
{% if license_files|length > 0 %}
{% for file in license_files %}
%license {{ file }}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
# FIXME: no license files detected
{% endif %}
{% for file in doc_files %}
%doc {{ file }}
{% endfor %}
{% for bin in bins %}
%{_bindir}/{{ }}
{% endfor %}
{% if not only_main %}
{% endif %}
{% endif -%}
{% if include_devel %}
{% do features.remove(None) %}
{% do features.remove("default") %}
{% set features = features|sort %}
{% do features.insert(0, None) %}
{% do features.insert(1, "default") %}
{% for unwanted in to_list(distconf.get("unwanted-features")) %}
{% do features.remove(unwanted) %}
{% endfor %}
{% for feature in features %}
{% if feature is none %}
{% set pkg = " devel" %}
{% set conf_prefix = "lib" %}
{% else %}
{% set pkg = "-n %%{name}+%s-devel"|format(feature) %}
{% set conf_prefix = "lib+%s"|format(feature) %}
{% endif %}
%package {{ pkg }}
Summary: %{summary}
{% if rust_group is defined %}
Group: {{ rust_group }}
{% endif %}
BuildArch: noarch
{% if include_provides %}
Provides: {{ metadata.provides(feature) }}
{% endif %}
{% if include_requires %}
Requires: cargo
{% for req in normalize_deps(metadata.requires(feature))|map("string")|sort %}
Requires: {{ req }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% for req in to_list(distconf.get("%s.requires"|format(conf_prefix)))|sort %}
Requires: {{ req }}
{% endfor %}
%description {{ pkg }} %{_description}
This package contains library source intended for building other packages which
use {% if feature is not none %}the "{{ feature }}" feature of {% endif %}the "%{crate}" crate.
%files {{ pkg }}
{% if feature is none %}
{% if license_files|length > 0 %}
{% for file in license_files %}
{% if relative_license_paths %}
%license {{ file }}
{% else %}
%license %{crate_instdir}/{{ file }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
# FIXME: no license files detected
{% endif %}
{% for file in doc_files %}
%doc %{crate_instdir}/{{ file }}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
%ghost %{crate_instdir}/Cargo.toml
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif -%}
{% if != crate %}
%autosetup -n %{real_crate}-%{version_no_tilde} -p1
{% else %}
%autosetup -n %{crate}-%{version_no_tilde} -p1
{% endif %}
%autosetup -n {{ rpm_name }}-%{version_no_tilde} -p1
{% if generate_buildrequires %}
{% if not include_build_requires %}
%cargo_generate_buildrequires{{ cargo_args }}
{% for req in to_list(distconf.get("buildrequires"))|sort %}
{% for req in conf_buildrequires %}
echo {{ "%r" | format(req) }}
{% endfor %}
{% if distconf.get("testrequires") %}
{% if conf_test_requires %}
%if %{with check}
{% for req in to_list(distconf.get("testrequires"))|sort %}
{% for req in conf_test_requires %}
echo {{ "%r" | format(req) }}
{% endfor %}
@ -232,12 +93,27 @@ echo {{ "%r" | format(req) }}
%cargo_test{{ cargo_args }}
{% if rpm_license_files|length > 0 %}
{% for file in rpm_license_files %}
%license {{ file }}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
# FIXME: no license files detected
{% endif %}
{% for file in rpm_doc_files %}
%doc {{ file }}
{% endfor %}
{% for bin in rpm_binary_names %}
%{_bindir}/{{ bin }}
{% endfor %}
{% if rpmautospec %}
{% if use_rpmautospec %}
{%- else %}
{%- if auto_changelog_entry -%}
{%- if make_changelog_entry -%}
{% include target ~ "" %}
{% include rust2rpm_target ~ "" %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
# Generated by rust2rpm NNN
%bcond_without check
Name: zola
Version: 0.16.1
Release: %autorelease
Summary: Fast static site generator with everything built-in
License: MIT
Source: # FIXME
BuildRequires: rust-packaging >= 21
%global _description %{expand:
A fast static site generator with everything built-in.}
%description %{_description}
%autosetup -n zola-%{version_no_tilde} -p1
%if %{with check}
%license LIC1
%license LIC2
%doc DOC1
%doc DOC2
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
# Generated by rust2rpm NNN
%bcond_without check
Name: zola
Version: 0.16.1
Release: %mkrel 1
Summary: Fast static site generator with everything built-in
Group: Development/Rust
License: MIT
Source: # FIXME
ExclusiveArch: %{rust_arches}
BuildRequires: rust-packaging >= 21
BuildRequires: (crate(ahash/default) >= 0.8.0 with crate(ahash/default) < 0.9.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(ammonia/default) >= 3.0.0 with crate(ammonia/default) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(anyhow/default) >= 1.0.56 with crate(anyhow/default) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(atty/default) >= 0.2.11 with crate(atty/default) < 0.3.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(base64/default) >= 0.13.0 with crate(base64/default) < 0.14.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(clap/default) >= 3.0.0 with crate(clap/default) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(clap/derive) >= 3.0.0 with crate(clap/derive) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(clap_complete/default) >= 3.0.0 with crate(clap_complete/default) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(csv/default) >= 1.0.0 with crate(csv/default) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(ctrlc/default) >= 3.0.0 with crate(ctrlc/default) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(elasticlunr-rs/da) >= 3.0.0 with crate(elasticlunr-rs/da) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(elasticlunr-rs/de) >= 3.0.0 with crate(elasticlunr-rs/de) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(elasticlunr-rs/default) >= 3.0.0 with crate(elasticlunr-rs/default) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(elasticlunr-rs/du) >= 3.0.0 with crate(elasticlunr-rs/du) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(elasticlunr-rs/es) >= 3.0.0 with crate(elasticlunr-rs/es) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(elasticlunr-rs/fi) >= 3.0.0 with crate(elasticlunr-rs/fi) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(elasticlunr-rs/fr) >= 3.0.0 with crate(elasticlunr-rs/fr) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(elasticlunr-rs/it) >= 3.0.0 with crate(elasticlunr-rs/it) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(elasticlunr-rs/no) >= 3.0.0 with crate(elasticlunr-rs/no) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(elasticlunr-rs/pt) >= 3.0.0 with crate(elasticlunr-rs/pt) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(elasticlunr-rs/ro) >= 3.0.0 with crate(elasticlunr-rs/ro) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(elasticlunr-rs/ru) >= 3.0.0 with crate(elasticlunr-rs/ru) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(elasticlunr-rs/sv) >= 3.0.0 with crate(elasticlunr-rs/sv) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(elasticlunr-rs/tr) >= 3.0.0 with crate(elasticlunr-rs/tr) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(filetime/default) >= 0.2.0 with crate(filetime/default) < 0.3.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(gh-emoji/default) >= 1.0.0 with crate(gh-emoji/default) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(glob/default) >= 0.3.0 with crate(glob/default) < 0.4.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(globset/default) >= 0.4.0 with crate(globset/default) < 0.5.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(hyper) >= 0.14.1 with crate(hyper) < 0.15.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(hyper/http1) >= 0.14.1 with crate(hyper/http1) < 0.15.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(hyper/http2) >= 0.14.1 with crate(hyper/http2) < 0.15.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(hyper/runtime) >= 0.14.1 with crate(hyper/runtime) < 0.15.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(hyper/server) >= 0.14.1 with crate(hyper/server) < 0.15.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(image/default) >= 0.24.0 with crate(image/default) < 0.25.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(kamadak-exif/default) >= 0.5.4 with crate(kamadak-exif/default) < 0.6.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(lexical-sort/default) >= 0.3.0 with crate(lexical-sort/default) < 0.4.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(mime/default) >= 0.3.16 with crate(mime/default) < 0.4.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(mime_guess/default) >= 2.0.0 with crate(mime_guess/default) < 3.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(minify-html/default) >= 0.9.0 with crate(minify-html/default) < 0.10.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(nom-bibtex/default) >= 0.3.0 with crate(nom-bibtex/default) < 0.4.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(notify/default) >= 4.0.0 with crate(notify/default) < 5.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(num-format/default) >= 0.4.0 with crate(num-format/default) < 0.5.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(once_cell/default) >= 1.0.0 with crate(once_cell/default) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(open/default) >= 3.0.0 with crate(open/default) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(pathdiff/default) >= 0.2.0 with crate(pathdiff/default) < 0.3.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(percent-encoding/default) >= 2.0.0 with crate(percent-encoding/default) < 3.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(pest/default) >= 2.0.0 with crate(pest/default) < 3.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(pest_derive/default) >= 2.0.0 with crate(pest_derive/default) < 3.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(pulldown-cmark) >= 0.9.0 with crate(pulldown-cmark) < 0.10.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(pulldown-cmark/simd) >= 0.9.0 with crate(pulldown-cmark/simd) < 0.10.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(quickxml_to_serde/default) >= 0.5.0 with crate(quickxml_to_serde/default) < 0.6.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(rayon/default) >= 1.0.0 with crate(rayon/default) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(regex/default) >= 1.0.0 with crate(regex/default) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(relative-path/default) >= 1.0.0 with crate(relative-path/default) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(reqwest) >= 0.11.0 with crate(reqwest) < 0.12.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(reqwest/blocking) >= 0.11.0 with crate(reqwest/blocking) < 0.12.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(reqwest/rustls-tls) >= 0.11.0 with crate(reqwest/rustls-tls) < 0.12.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(sass-rs/default) >= 0.2.0 with crate(sass-rs/default) < 0.3.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(serde/default) >= 1.0.0 with crate(serde/default) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(serde/derive) >= 1.0.0 with crate(serde/derive) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(serde_json/default) >= 1.0.0 with crate(serde_json/default) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(serde_yaml/default) >= 0.9.0 with crate(serde_yaml/default) < 0.10.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(sha2/default) >= 0.10.0 with crate(sha2/default) < 0.11.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(slug/default) >= 0.1.0 with crate(slug/default) < 0.2.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(svg_metadata/default) >= 0.4.0 with crate(svg_metadata/default) < 0.5.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(syntect/default) >= 5.0.0 with crate(syntect/default) < 6.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(tera/default) >= 1.0.0 with crate(tera/default) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(tera/preserve_order) >= 1.0.0 with crate(tera/preserve_order) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(termcolor/default) >= 1.0.4 with crate(termcolor/default) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(time/default) >= 0.3.0 with crate(time/default) < 0.4.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(time/formatting) >= 0.3.0 with crate(time/formatting) < 0.4.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(time/local-offset) >= 0.3.0 with crate(time/local-offset) < 0.4.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(time/macros) >= 0.3.0 with crate(time/macros) < 0.4.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(tokio) >= 1.0.1 with crate(tokio) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(tokio/fs) >= 1.0.1 with crate(tokio/fs) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(tokio/rt) >= 1.0.1 with crate(tokio/rt) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(tokio/time) >= 1.0.1 with crate(tokio/time) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(toml/default) >= 0.5.0 with crate(toml/default) < 0.6.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(unic-langid/default) >= 0.9.0 with crate(unic-langid/default) < 0.10.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(unicode-segmentation/default) >= 1.2.0 with crate(unicode-segmentation/default) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(url/default) >= 2.0.0 with crate(url/default) < 3.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(walkdir/default) >= 2.0.0 with crate(walkdir/default) < 3.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(webp/default) >= 0.2.0 with crate(webp/default) < 0.3.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(winres/default) >= 0.1.0 with crate(winres/default) < 0.2.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(ws/default) >= 0.9.0 with crate(ws/default) < 0.10.0~)
%if %{with check}
BuildRequires: (crate(insta/default) >= 1.12.0 with crate(insta/default) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(mockito/default) >= 0.31.0 with crate(mockito/default) < 0.32.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(path-slash/default) >= 0.2.0 with crate(path-slash/default) < 0.3.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(same-file/default) >= 1.0.0 with crate(same-file/default) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(tempfile/default) >= 3.0.0 with crate(tempfile/default) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(tempfile/default) >= 3.3.0 with crate(tempfile/default) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(test-case/default) >= 2.0.0 with crate(test-case/default) < 3.0.0~)
%global _description %{expand:
A fast static site generator with everything built-in.}
%description %{_description}
%autosetup -n zola-%{version_no_tilde} -p1
%if %{with check}
%license LIC1
%license LIC2
%doc DOC1
%doc DOC2
* Thu Jan 01 1970 Jane Jane <> - 0.16.1-1
- Initial package
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
# spec file for package zola
# Copyright (c) 2023 Jane Jane <>.
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative.
# Please submit bugfixes or comments via
# Generated by rust2rpm NNN
%bcond_without check
Name: zola
Version: 0.16.1
Release: 0
Summary: Fast static site generator with everything built-in
Group: Development/Libraries/Rust
License: MIT
Source: # FIXME
ExclusiveArch: %{rust_arches}
BuildRequires: rust-packaging >= 21
BuildRequires: (crate(ahash/default) >= 0.8.0 with crate(ahash/default) < 0.9.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(ammonia/default) >= 3.0.0 with crate(ammonia/default) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(anyhow/default) >= 1.0.56 with crate(anyhow/default) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(atty/default) >= 0.2.11 with crate(atty/default) < 0.3.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(base64/default) >= 0.13.0 with crate(base64/default) < 0.14.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(clap/default) >= 3.0.0 with crate(clap/default) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(clap/derive) >= 3.0.0 with crate(clap/derive) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(clap_complete/default) >= 3.0.0 with crate(clap_complete/default) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(csv/default) >= 1.0.0 with crate(csv/default) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(ctrlc/default) >= 3.0.0 with crate(ctrlc/default) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(elasticlunr-rs/da) >= 3.0.0 with crate(elasticlunr-rs/da) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(elasticlunr-rs/de) >= 3.0.0 with crate(elasticlunr-rs/de) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(elasticlunr-rs/default) >= 3.0.0 with crate(elasticlunr-rs/default) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(elasticlunr-rs/du) >= 3.0.0 with crate(elasticlunr-rs/du) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(elasticlunr-rs/es) >= 3.0.0 with crate(elasticlunr-rs/es) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(elasticlunr-rs/fi) >= 3.0.0 with crate(elasticlunr-rs/fi) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(elasticlunr-rs/fr) >= 3.0.0 with crate(elasticlunr-rs/fr) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(elasticlunr-rs/it) >= 3.0.0 with crate(elasticlunr-rs/it) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(elasticlunr-rs/no) >= 3.0.0 with crate(elasticlunr-rs/no) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(elasticlunr-rs/pt) >= 3.0.0 with crate(elasticlunr-rs/pt) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(elasticlunr-rs/ro) >= 3.0.0 with crate(elasticlunr-rs/ro) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(elasticlunr-rs/ru) >= 3.0.0 with crate(elasticlunr-rs/ru) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(elasticlunr-rs/sv) >= 3.0.0 with crate(elasticlunr-rs/sv) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(elasticlunr-rs/tr) >= 3.0.0 with crate(elasticlunr-rs/tr) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(filetime/default) >= 0.2.0 with crate(filetime/default) < 0.3.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(gh-emoji/default) >= 1.0.0 with crate(gh-emoji/default) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(glob/default) >= 0.3.0 with crate(glob/default) < 0.4.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(globset/default) >= 0.4.0 with crate(globset/default) < 0.5.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(hyper) >= 0.14.1 with crate(hyper) < 0.15.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(hyper/http1) >= 0.14.1 with crate(hyper/http1) < 0.15.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(hyper/http2) >= 0.14.1 with crate(hyper/http2) < 0.15.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(hyper/runtime) >= 0.14.1 with crate(hyper/runtime) < 0.15.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(hyper/server) >= 0.14.1 with crate(hyper/server) < 0.15.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(image/default) >= 0.24.0 with crate(image/default) < 0.25.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(kamadak-exif/default) >= 0.5.4 with crate(kamadak-exif/default) < 0.6.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(lexical-sort/default) >= 0.3.0 with crate(lexical-sort/default) < 0.4.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(mime/default) >= 0.3.16 with crate(mime/default) < 0.4.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(mime_guess/default) >= 2.0.0 with crate(mime_guess/default) < 3.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(minify-html/default) >= 0.9.0 with crate(minify-html/default) < 0.10.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(nom-bibtex/default) >= 0.3.0 with crate(nom-bibtex/default) < 0.4.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(notify/default) >= 4.0.0 with crate(notify/default) < 5.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(num-format/default) >= 0.4.0 with crate(num-format/default) < 0.5.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(once_cell/default) >= 1.0.0 with crate(once_cell/default) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(open/default) >= 3.0.0 with crate(open/default) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(pathdiff/default) >= 0.2.0 with crate(pathdiff/default) < 0.3.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(percent-encoding/default) >= 2.0.0 with crate(percent-encoding/default) < 3.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(pest/default) >= 2.0.0 with crate(pest/default) < 3.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(pest_derive/default) >= 2.0.0 with crate(pest_derive/default) < 3.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(pulldown-cmark) >= 0.9.0 with crate(pulldown-cmark) < 0.10.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(pulldown-cmark/simd) >= 0.9.0 with crate(pulldown-cmark/simd) < 0.10.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(quickxml_to_serde/default) >= 0.5.0 with crate(quickxml_to_serde/default) < 0.6.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(rayon/default) >= 1.0.0 with crate(rayon/default) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(regex/default) >= 1.0.0 with crate(regex/default) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(relative-path/default) >= 1.0.0 with crate(relative-path/default) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(reqwest) >= 0.11.0 with crate(reqwest) < 0.12.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(reqwest/blocking) >= 0.11.0 with crate(reqwest/blocking) < 0.12.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(reqwest/rustls-tls) >= 0.11.0 with crate(reqwest/rustls-tls) < 0.12.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(sass-rs/default) >= 0.2.0 with crate(sass-rs/default) < 0.3.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(serde/default) >= 1.0.0 with crate(serde/default) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(serde/derive) >= 1.0.0 with crate(serde/derive) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(serde_json/default) >= 1.0.0 with crate(serde_json/default) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(serde_yaml/default) >= 0.9.0 with crate(serde_yaml/default) < 0.10.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(sha2/default) >= 0.10.0 with crate(sha2/default) < 0.11.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(slug/default) >= 0.1.0 with crate(slug/default) < 0.2.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(svg_metadata/default) >= 0.4.0 with crate(svg_metadata/default) < 0.5.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(syntect/default) >= 5.0.0 with crate(syntect/default) < 6.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(tera/default) >= 1.0.0 with crate(tera/default) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(tera/preserve_order) >= 1.0.0 with crate(tera/preserve_order) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(termcolor/default) >= 1.0.4 with crate(termcolor/default) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(time/default) >= 0.3.0 with crate(time/default) < 0.4.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(time/formatting) >= 0.3.0 with crate(time/formatting) < 0.4.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(time/local-offset) >= 0.3.0 with crate(time/local-offset) < 0.4.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(time/macros) >= 0.3.0 with crate(time/macros) < 0.4.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(tokio) >= 1.0.1 with crate(tokio) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(tokio/fs) >= 1.0.1 with crate(tokio/fs) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(tokio/rt) >= 1.0.1 with crate(tokio/rt) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(tokio/time) >= 1.0.1 with crate(tokio/time) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(toml/default) >= 0.5.0 with crate(toml/default) < 0.6.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(unic-langid/default) >= 0.9.0 with crate(unic-langid/default) < 0.10.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(unicode-segmentation/default) >= 1.2.0 with crate(unicode-segmentation/default) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(url/default) >= 2.0.0 with crate(url/default) < 3.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(walkdir/default) >= 2.0.0 with crate(walkdir/default) < 3.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(webp/default) >= 0.2.0 with crate(webp/default) < 0.3.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(winres/default) >= 0.1.0 with crate(winres/default) < 0.2.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(ws/default) >= 0.9.0 with crate(ws/default) < 0.10.0~)
%if %{with check}
BuildRequires: (crate(insta/default) >= 1.12.0 with crate(insta/default) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(mockito/default) >= 0.31.0 with crate(mockito/default) < 0.32.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(path-slash/default) >= 0.2.0 with crate(path-slash/default) < 0.3.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(same-file/default) >= 1.0.0 with crate(same-file/default) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(tempfile/default) >= 3.0.0 with crate(tempfile/default) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(tempfile/default) >= 3.3.0 with crate(tempfile/default) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(test-case/default) >= 2.0.0 with crate(test-case/default) < 3.0.0~)
%global _description %{expand:
A fast static site generator with everything built-in.}
%description %{_description}
%autosetup -n zola-%{version_no_tilde} -p1
%if %{with check}
%license LIC1
%license LIC2
%doc DOC1
%doc DOC2
* Thu Jan 01 03:25:45 GMT 1970 Jane Jane <>
- Version 0.16.1
- Initial package
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
# Generated by rust2rpm NNN
%bcond_without check
Name: zola
Version: 0.16.1
Release: 1%{?dist}
Summary: Fast static site generator with everything built-in
License: MIT
Source: # FIXME
ExclusiveArch: %{rust_arches}
BuildRequires: rust-packaging >= 21
BuildRequires: (crate(ahash/default) >= 0.8.0 with crate(ahash/default) < 0.9.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(ammonia/default) >= 3.0.0 with crate(ammonia/default) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(anyhow/default) >= 1.0.56 with crate(anyhow/default) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(atty/default) >= 0.2.11 with crate(atty/default) < 0.3.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(base64/default) >= 0.13.0 with crate(base64/default) < 0.14.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(clap/default) >= 3.0.0 with crate(clap/default) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(clap/derive) >= 3.0.0 with crate(clap/derive) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(clap_complete/default) >= 3.0.0 with crate(clap_complete/default) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(csv/default) >= 1.0.0 with crate(csv/default) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(ctrlc/default) >= 3.0.0 with crate(ctrlc/default) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(elasticlunr-rs/da) >= 3.0.0 with crate(elasticlunr-rs/da) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(elasticlunr-rs/de) >= 3.0.0 with crate(elasticlunr-rs/de) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(elasticlunr-rs/default) >= 3.0.0 with crate(elasticlunr-rs/default) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(elasticlunr-rs/du) >= 3.0.0 with crate(elasticlunr-rs/du) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(elasticlunr-rs/es) >= 3.0.0 with crate(elasticlunr-rs/es) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(elasticlunr-rs/fi) >= 3.0.0 with crate(elasticlunr-rs/fi) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(elasticlunr-rs/fr) >= 3.0.0 with crate(elasticlunr-rs/fr) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(elasticlunr-rs/it) >= 3.0.0 with crate(elasticlunr-rs/it) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(elasticlunr-rs/no) >= 3.0.0 with crate(elasticlunr-rs/no) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(elasticlunr-rs/pt) >= 3.0.0 with crate(elasticlunr-rs/pt) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(elasticlunr-rs/ro) >= 3.0.0 with crate(elasticlunr-rs/ro) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(elasticlunr-rs/ru) >= 3.0.0 with crate(elasticlunr-rs/ru) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(elasticlunr-rs/sv) >= 3.0.0 with crate(elasticlunr-rs/sv) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(elasticlunr-rs/tr) >= 3.0.0 with crate(elasticlunr-rs/tr) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(filetime/default) >= 0.2.0 with crate(filetime/default) < 0.3.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(gh-emoji/default) >= 1.0.0 with crate(gh-emoji/default) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(glob/default) >= 0.3.0 with crate(glob/default) < 0.4.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(globset/default) >= 0.4.0 with crate(globset/default) < 0.5.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(hyper) >= 0.14.1 with crate(hyper) < 0.15.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(hyper/http1) >= 0.14.1 with crate(hyper/http1) < 0.15.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(hyper/http2) >= 0.14.1 with crate(hyper/http2) < 0.15.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(hyper/runtime) >= 0.14.1 with crate(hyper/runtime) < 0.15.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(hyper/server) >= 0.14.1 with crate(hyper/server) < 0.15.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(image/default) >= 0.24.0 with crate(image/default) < 0.25.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(kamadak-exif/default) >= 0.5.4 with crate(kamadak-exif/default) < 0.6.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(lexical-sort/default) >= 0.3.0 with crate(lexical-sort/default) < 0.4.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(mime/default) >= 0.3.16 with crate(mime/default) < 0.4.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(mime_guess/default) >= 2.0.0 with crate(mime_guess/default) < 3.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(minify-html/default) >= 0.9.0 with crate(minify-html/default) < 0.10.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(nom-bibtex/default) >= 0.3.0 with crate(nom-bibtex/default) < 0.4.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(notify/default) >= 4.0.0 with crate(notify/default) < 5.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(num-format/default) >= 0.4.0 with crate(num-format/default) < 0.5.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(once_cell/default) >= 1.0.0 with crate(once_cell/default) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(open/default) >= 3.0.0 with crate(open/default) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(pathdiff/default) >= 0.2.0 with crate(pathdiff/default) < 0.3.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(percent-encoding/default) >= 2.0.0 with crate(percent-encoding/default) < 3.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(pest/default) >= 2.0.0 with crate(pest/default) < 3.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(pest_derive/default) >= 2.0.0 with crate(pest_derive/default) < 3.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(pulldown-cmark) >= 0.9.0 with crate(pulldown-cmark) < 0.10.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(pulldown-cmark/simd) >= 0.9.0 with crate(pulldown-cmark/simd) < 0.10.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(quickxml_to_serde/default) >= 0.5.0 with crate(quickxml_to_serde/default) < 0.6.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(rayon/default) >= 1.0.0 with crate(rayon/default) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(regex/default) >= 1.0.0 with crate(regex/default) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(relative-path/default) >= 1.0.0 with crate(relative-path/default) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(reqwest) >= 0.11.0 with crate(reqwest) < 0.12.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(reqwest/blocking) >= 0.11.0 with crate(reqwest/blocking) < 0.12.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(reqwest/rustls-tls) >= 0.11.0 with crate(reqwest/rustls-tls) < 0.12.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(sass-rs/default) >= 0.2.0 with crate(sass-rs/default) < 0.3.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(serde/default) >= 1.0.0 with crate(serde/default) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(serde/derive) >= 1.0.0 with crate(serde/derive) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(serde_json/default) >= 1.0.0 with crate(serde_json/default) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(serde_yaml/default) >= 0.9.0 with crate(serde_yaml/default) < 0.10.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(sha2/default) >= 0.10.0 with crate(sha2/default) < 0.11.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(slug/default) >= 0.1.0 with crate(slug/default) < 0.2.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(svg_metadata/default) >= 0.4.0 with crate(svg_metadata/default) < 0.5.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(syntect/default) >= 5.0.0 with crate(syntect/default) < 6.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(tera/default) >= 1.0.0 with crate(tera/default) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(tera/preserve_order) >= 1.0.0 with crate(tera/preserve_order) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(termcolor/default) >= 1.0.4 with crate(termcolor/default) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(time/default) >= 0.3.0 with crate(time/default) < 0.4.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(time/formatting) >= 0.3.0 with crate(time/formatting) < 0.4.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(time/local-offset) >= 0.3.0 with crate(time/local-offset) < 0.4.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(time/macros) >= 0.3.0 with crate(time/macros) < 0.4.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(tokio) >= 1.0.1 with crate(tokio) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(tokio/fs) >= 1.0.1 with crate(tokio/fs) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(tokio/rt) >= 1.0.1 with crate(tokio/rt) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(tokio/time) >= 1.0.1 with crate(tokio/time) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(toml/default) >= 0.5.0 with crate(toml/default) < 0.6.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(unic-langid/default) >= 0.9.0 with crate(unic-langid/default) < 0.10.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(unicode-segmentation/default) >= 1.2.0 with crate(unicode-segmentation/default) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(url/default) >= 2.0.0 with crate(url/default) < 3.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(walkdir/default) >= 2.0.0 with crate(walkdir/default) < 3.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(webp/default) >= 0.2.0 with crate(webp/default) < 0.3.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(winres/default) >= 0.1.0 with crate(winres/default) < 0.2.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(ws/default) >= 0.9.0 with crate(ws/default) < 0.10.0~)
%if %{with check}
BuildRequires: (crate(insta/default) >= 1.12.0 with crate(insta/default) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(mockito/default) >= 0.31.0 with crate(mockito/default) < 0.32.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(path-slash/default) >= 0.2.0 with crate(path-slash/default) < 0.3.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(same-file/default) >= 1.0.0 with crate(same-file/default) < 2.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(tempfile/default) >= 3.0.0 with crate(tempfile/default) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(tempfile/default) >= 3.3.0 with crate(tempfile/default) < 4.0.0~)
BuildRequires: (crate(test-case/default) >= 2.0.0 with crate(test-case/default) < 3.0.0~)
%global _description %{expand:
A fast static site generator with everything built-in.}
%description %{_description}
%autosetup -n zola-%{version_no_tilde} -p1
%if %{with check}
%license LIC1
%license LIC2
%doc DOC1
%doc DOC2
* Thu Jan 01 1970 Jane Jane <> - 0.16.1-1
- Initial package
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ from cargo2rpm.metadata import Metadata, FeatureFlags
import pytest
from rust2rpm.cli import get_parser
from rust2rpm.generator import to_list, spec_render_crate
from rust2rpm.generator import to_list, spec_render_crate, spec_render_workspace
from rust2rpm.patching import drop_foreign_dependencies
from rust2rpm.utils import package_name_suffixed
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ FIXED_DATE = time.gmtime(12345)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("filename", ["cxx-build-1.0.71.json", "nix-0.24.1.json", "tokio-1.19.2.json"])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("target", ["plain", "fedora", "mageia", "opensuse"])
def test_spec_file_render(filename: str, target: str, tmp_path: Path):
def test_spec_file_render_crate(filename: str, target: str, tmp_path: Path):
crate_name_version = filename.removesuffix(".json")
crate = crate_name_version.rsplit("-", 1)[0]
@ -45,30 +45,67 @@ def test_spec_file_render(filename: str, target: str, tmp_path: Path):
rendered = spec_render_crate(
rpmautospec=target == "fedora",
packager="Jane Jane <>",
doc_files=["DOC1", "DOC2"],
license_files=["LIC1", "LIC2"],
doc_files=["DOC1", "DOC2"],
rpmautospec=target == "fedora",
packager="Jane Jane <>",
rendered = re.sub("(# Generated by rust2rpm) .*", r"\1 NNN", rendered)
fixture_path = resources.files("rust2rpm.tests.samples").joinpath(f"{crate_name_version}.{target}.spec")
if os.getenv("UPDATE_FIXTURES") == "1":
# helper mode to create test data
path = resources.files("rust2rpm.tests.samples").joinpath(f"{crate_name_version}.{target}.spec")
expected = resources.files("rust2rpm.tests.samples").joinpath(f"{crate_name_version}.{target}.spec").read_text()
expected = fixture_path.read_text()
assert rendered == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize("filename", ["zola-0.16.1.json"])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("target", ["plain", "fedora", "mageia", "opensuse"])
def test_spec_file_render_workspace(filename: str, target: str, tmp_path: Path):
crate_name_version = filename.removesuffix(".json")
crate = crate_name_version.rsplit("-", 1)[0]
real_path = resources.files("rust2rpm.tests.samples").joinpath(filename)
metadata = Metadata.from_json(real_path.read_text())
rendered = spec_render_workspace(
license_files=["LIC1", "LIC2"],
doc_files=["DOC1", "DOC2"],
rpmautospec=target == "fedora",
packager="Jane Jane <>",
rendered = re.sub("(# Generated by rust2rpm) .*", r"\1 NNN", rendered)
fixture_path = resources.files("rust2rpm.tests.samples").joinpath(f"{crate_name_version}.{target}.spec")
if os.getenv("UPDATE_FIXTURES") == "1":
# helper mode to create test data
expected = fixture_path.read_text()
assert rendered == expected
Reference in a new issue